恒升胶袋厂专业生产加工PE连卷自动包装袋、自动包装连卷袋、点断连卷平口袋、单边开口连卷袋、自动开口连卷包装袋,恒升科技应用国外专用制袋设备,全电脑微机控制,步进(伺服)定长系统使封切袋子尺寸误差微小。装置电眼追踪使印刷袋之图案位置精确。电脑数控调整袋子长度,自动记数及报警,制袋过程全部自动化,性能稳定,恒升始终如一保证产品高品质。配套自动包装机自动包装用,Hesion可打印,可跟踪,单边开口。.服务热线: +86-138-27266276。
+底封卷装袋形式,适用于美国自动包装机;.服务热线: +86-138-27266276。
+单面预先开口的特点使恒升胶袋自动开启,便于机器自动包装作业; .服务热线: +86-138-27266276。
+侧边可以加点断易撕开牙线,并可选择加飞机孔,方便挂起; .服务热线: +86-138-27266276。
Hesion Pre-Opened Bags-on-a-roll
Hesion Pre-Opened Bags-on-a-roll can supply your custom pre-opened bag-on-a-roll needs. Available in 1.5 mil, 2 mil, 3 mil or 4 mil. Also available in White Front/Clear Back Style. If you re looking for a different material, size, thickness, feature, or printing, we can help. Please contact us to provide details of your custom bag and then order a custom sample roll here (printing excluded). Our Hesion Pre-Opened bags are designed to run on Autobag®baggers and other machines that use pre-opened bags-on-a-roll. Increase production output compared to using flat poly bags when packing parts, toys, kits, and other items. Hesion Pre-Opened poly bag are perforated on a roll with a slit front for faster loading. HESION Bag was easier to open than other produce bags.
Use when filling by hand or with automatic equipment to reduce packaging costs. Provide details of your custom bag www. HESION.com can manufacture a custom roll and supply you with volume pricing.
1. Our Pre-opened bags are compatible with all automatic packaging equipment.
2. auto-fill bags are on standard industrial cores.
3. Pre-opened for quick insertion and perforated for easy tear off.
4. Manufactured with a high quality blend of linear low-density resin idea for automatic packaging machinery.
5. Auto-fill poly bags will also work great for manual applications.
6. All virgin film is SGS and ROHS approved, ideally suited for food packaging.
7. Custom sizes and custom prints available. Call for a quote.