类型:机械模具 | 品牌:WM间隙测定片 | 型号:1.0X50X5M |
适用模具类型:其他 | 产品别名:机械模具、塑胶模具、制罐模具 |
WM精密间隙测量规和薄垫片的厚度公差符合国际标准T3(不锈钢带的宽度为12.7和600毫米符合DIN EN 258)这些公差接近甚至比15441标准DIN EN10140更高的标准要求我们提供的技术资料表上有更祥尽的厚度精密标准信息。
WM经过硬化处理的WM精密带钢,其平整度在各种机械零件中成为重要的参数。 的生产过程确保所有的最终产品具有精确的平整度。
WM The flatness of hardened WM precision strip steel is an important parameter in the production of many different types of machine parts.The production process at WM ensures the correct flatness for the large variety of end products.
厚度公差Thickness tolerances
WM achieves thickness tolerances for precision strip steel which meet the highest international standards, The tolerance classes, T1 to T5,are applicable for all of our precision strip regardless of the edge finesh. The numerical data for the different tolerance classes are contained in the following table.
宽度公差Width tolerances
We manufacture cold-rolled precision strip steel according
to the Swedish tolerance groups B1 to B3: