新奇创意项目:不报名 | 保存期:24(月) | 外观:淡黄色澄清液体 |
主要成分:不饱和脂肪酸 | 提取来源:果实 | 检测方法:HPLC |
含量:100(%) |
玫瑰果是野生玫瑰的果实,是蔷薇科、蔷薇属多年生落叶灌木。玫瑰果的维生素C含量很高,压榨玫瑰果实所得玫瑰果油主要成份有多种不饱和脂肪酸、维他命C等。 玫瑰果油中富含亚麻油酸 亚油酸 油酸等不饱和脂肪酸,有一定营养价值; Rosehip (Rosa Mosqueta) oil is a very valuable new ingredient in modern natural cosmetic products for its benefits on the skin regeneration: It reduces wrinkles, attenuates scars ....中文名称: 玫瑰果油 英文名: Rosehip 学 名: Rosa rubiginosa/Moschata 提取部位: 果实 提取工艺: 冷压 CAS 号: 84603-93-0 产 地: 智利 主要理化指标 外 观(20℃): 淡黄色澄清液体 气味、滋味: 清新的玫瑰果香韵 相对密度(20℃): 0.924~0.931 折光指数(20℃): 1.4700~1.4850 酸 值: ≤2.0 过氧化值: ≤5.0 皂化值: 175~195 主要成分: 亚麻酸(31~38)、亚油酸(41~49) 、油酸(13~16)等 应用领域: 保健品,日化,香薰美容,食品 描 述
玫瑰籽油Rose hip seed Oil,通常叫做玫瑰果油Rose hip Oil。有玫瑰花,就有玫瑰果,这貌似是天经地义的。不过,玫瑰果的“玫瑰”和玫瑰花的“玫瑰”可不是一回事哦。出产玫瑰果的玫瑰,又叫智利野玫瑰,气味有玫瑰香。但形态跟提取玫瑰精油的玫瑰完全是两个样子。而玫瑰果,正是用这种植物的果实提取的。
玫瑰果油的产地以南美洲智利海拔3000米以上的高山为最佳,当地人称作 Rosa mosqueta,它是南智利人数世纪的美肤法宝。
Rose hip seed oilis a pressed seed oil, extracted from the seeds of a rose bush (Rosa moschata orRosa rubiginosa) which grows wild in the southern Andes. It is unique among vegetable oils in containing retinol (Vitamin A), and is also high in vitamin C. Rose hip seed oil is high in the essential fatty acids - linoleic acid or omega-6, and linolenic acid or omega-3. It is commonly used in skin care products.It is used for a variety of skin conditions, including dermatitis, acne and eczema, for mature and sun burnt skin as well as brittle nails and wrinkles. Rose hip oil is also frequently used to heal scarring and diminish photo-aging.
Rosehip oil's potent natural actives make it highly effective for scars and stretch marks and other skin concerns including dehydrated and ageing skin.