加工定制: | 是 |
用途: | 食品罐,茶叶罐,药品罐,糖果罐,饰品包装罐,服装包装罐,通用包装 |
金属材质: | 马口铁 |
造型: | 方形 |
工艺: | 磨砂 |
高度: | 60 |
型号: | B-90036 |
加印LOGO: | 不可以 |
外观: | 不缩颈 |
材质: | 金属 |
包装型式: | 罐 |
可否印LOG: | 可以 |
方晨2000年浙江成立,位于浙江温州苍南方晨工业园,专业生产马口铁文具盒、马口铁罐、手机包装盒、彩色铅笔包装盒、茶叶盒、饮料铁罐、马口铁CD盒、储钱罐、食品糖果包装盒、礼品盒、文具套装、各种马口铁包装盒制品。产品以外销为主, 拥有厂房5000多平方米,员工300多人,方晨文具有限公司拥有雄厚的生产及设计研发能力,产品按客户要求订做各种封面广告.商务型.礼品.赠品。随着公司的发展和规模的扩大2008年成立广州公司,目前我们正积极开发国内市场以及华南市场,以期为国内的用户提供更优质的产品及服务。专为各企业设计打造独特风格,如企业logo简介、产品的介绍等形式展示企业形象,传播企业文化。
Fang Chengong Division was established in 2000, Zhejiang, Wenzhou, in Zhejiang Province Cang Chen Industrial Park South, specializes in producing tinplate pencil case, tin cans, phone boxes, color pencil box, tea, beverage cans, tin CD box, piggy bank,food candy boxes, gift boxes, stationery sets, all kinds of tinplate packaging products.Products for export, with more than 5000 square meters factory, more than 300 employees, Fang Chenwen with Limited has a strong R & D production and design capabilities, product according to customer request a variety of cover advertising. Business type. Gifts. Giveaways. With the company's development and expansion of the scale of Guangzhou, the company set up in 2008, currently we are actively developing domestic market, the South China market to domestic customers to provide better products and services. Designed specifically for all enterprises to create a unique style and logo as corporate profiles, product introduction and other forms of display of corporate image, communication corporate culture.
If you would like our company and products for better understanding, welcome and we have made contact.