本厂座落于佛山市南海区华南环保工业园侧: 本厂成立于1998年,生产的产品涉及汽车.摩托车配件和各类五金冲压件,工厂拥有多名的专业技术人员,引进国内外先进的生产设备和质量检测设备,云集本行业一流的技术精英.形成强大的管理和生产队伍,生产的(和利来)牌鼓式和盘式刹车片,具有无噪音.无污染.使用寿命长等优良特性而深受国内外用户的青睐。 本厂本着:以人为本.务实求真.注重质量.信誉第一的宗旨,致力于生产国内外先进的汽车.摩托车零部件,愿与各界朋友双赢共进.共创辉煌.奔向美好明天! The factory is located in the South China Environmental Protection Industry Park, Nanhai District, Foshan side: Factory was established in 1998, is involved in automotive products, motorcycle accessories and all kinds of metal stamping parts, the factory has a number of professional and technical personnel, the introduction of advanced production equipment and quality testing equipment, gathered in the industry-leading technology elite to create a strong management and production teams (LeRoi) brand drum and disc brake pads, ... [