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广州市全兴(鎏兴)纸类制品厂成立于1992年,是一家专业生产食品烘焙包装、器具饰物的厂家。公司生产的各种蛋糕纸杯、耐高温纸杯、PET淋膜纸杯规格齐全、款式新颖、质量上乘、价格合理。产品远销欧洲、东南亚、港、澳等地区。深受各用家、经销商的一致好评。 我司拥有多条蛋糕纸杯自动生产线,采用纯木桨高级食品防油纸为原料,进口环保食品油墨印刷,产品已达到国际食品级标准。可按客户要求订做各款专版印刷、包装业务。 “顾客至上,质量保证”是我们的宗旨。我司制定了严格的管理措施和长远的发展目标,积极参与国内外市场竞争,使企业向更高层次迈进。真诚欢迎国内外客商前来洽谈合作,共图发展,再创佳绩!Guangzhou QuanXing (LiuXing) paper class production factory was established in 1992. We were specialized production food cures the packing, the appliance decorations' factory. The company produces each kind of cake paper glass, the thermostable paper glass, PET drench the membrane paper glass specification to be complete, up-to-date styling, quality excellent, reasonable price. The product sells in distant markets areas and so on Europe, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macao. The depth is used respectively the family, dealer's consistent high praise.We have the many automatic production lines of cake paper glass. We use the pure wooden oar high-quality food grease-proof paper is raw material, import environmental protection food printing ink printing. Our product achieved the international food grade standard. May make to order each section of all rights reserved printing, the packing service according to the customer request.“The customer is supreme. The quality assurance” is our objective. We have drawn up the strict management measure and the long-term development targets, participated in the domestic and foreign market competition positively, caused the enterprise to make great strides forward to the top level. Welcome the domestic and foreign merchants to come sincerely to discuss the cooperation, altogether attempts the development, creates the good result again!
公司名称: 广州市好啊洛白云区鎏兴纸类制品厂 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 广东/广州市 公司规模: 101 - 200 人
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
经营范围: 一般经营项目:生产、加工:纸类制品、锡纸、塑料制品(不含危险化学品)。【法律、行政法规禁止的,不得经营;法律、行政法规限制的项目须取得相关许可文件后方可经营】