灰分≤:1.2 | 等级:特级 | 种类:干草菇 |
水分≤:9(%) | 生产厂家:古田康宏食品有限公司 | 保质期:12个月 |
品种:草菇 | 产地/厂家:福建古田县-中国食用菌之都 | 菇茎:1-2(cm) |
粗蛋白≥:1.3(%) |
Product Introduction
Straw mushroom, or Volvaria volvacea is an important mushroom in tropical and subtropical area .It is the
third planting edible fungus in the world .The output is the biggest one in China and mainly produced in
South China.The nutrition of straw mushroom is abundant and tastes delicious. Most of our products are
cultivated in Gutian County—“The Capital of Edible Fungus in China”, whose products have received a widespread welcome and praise
at home and abroad. To guarantee the health and quality of our products, we strictly supervise every procedure
during the producing, manufacturing, preserving, packing, and delivery of our products. Your trust is our
confidence and motivation. Place of order will be much appreciated and welcomed.
产品名称:草菇 | 品种:鲜蘑菇 | 等级:一级 |
不开伞 | 菌盖直径:≥5~19(mm) | 菌盖厚度:≥1.0(cm) |
水分:≤9(%) | 一般杂质:≤0.1 | 有害杂质:≤0 |
虫蛀菇:≤0 | 产地:中国福建省古田县 | 厂家:古田康宏食品有限公司 |
生长月份:4-10月 | 保质期:24个月 |
Product Specifications
Product type: straw mushroom | type: fresh mushroom | grade: A |
no cap opening | cap dia.: ≥5-19(mm) | cap thickness: ≥1.0(cm) |
moisture: ≤9(%) | common impurity: ≤0.1 | harmful impurity: ≤0 |
worm-eaten: ≤0 | place of orgin: Gutian, China | Manufacturer: Kanghong |
grow month:4-10months | Shelf life:24 months |
成分 | 含量 | 成分 | 含量 |
能量 | 14kcal | 钙 | 5mg |
蛋白质 | 1.1g | 磷 | 24mg |
脂肪 | 0.4g | 钾 | 53mg |
碳水化合物 | 3.1g | 钠 | 332.1mg |
膳食纤维 | 1.4g | 铁 | 1.1mg |
维生素E | 0.7mg | 锌 | 0.33mg |
Nutrition Facts (per 100g of straw mushrooms)
constituent | content | constituent | content |
energy | 14kcal | calcium | 5mg |
protein | 1.1g | phosphorus | 24mg |
fat | 0.4g | potassium | 53mg |
carbohydrate | 1.4g | sodium | 332.1mg |
Dietary fiber | 1.4g | ferrum | 1.1mg |
Vitamin E | 0.7mg | zinc | 0.33mg |
Package and Shipping(Customized upon request)
inner package:
outer package:
domestic delivery:
overseas shipping:
1. 清热解暑;补益气血;降压
2. 护肝健胃,增强人体免疫力,是优良的食药兼用型的营养保健食品。
3. 暑热烦渴;体质虚弱;头晕乏力;高血压
Medical value
Straw mushroom has much medical value what we can not count.Such as,it could
1.Clear summer-heart ;tonifying qi and blood;pump dowm the pressure
2.protect liver and invigorate the stomach,improve human immunity,it is such a superior nutrition and healthy food
3.solve our thirsty in hot day and for wealness health,the dizzy head ,lack in strength and hypertension.
菜肴应用 Culinary Use
All receipts can be provided upon request.