品种:银耳(白木耳)茶 | 等级:一级 | 完整性≤:90.0(%) |
杂质≤:0.1(%) | 水分≤:12(%) | 产地:福建古田 |
生产厂家:古田康宏食品有限公司 | 保质期:12个月 |
银耳素有“菌中之冠”的美誉,具有滋阴润肺,养胃生津、增强免疫力的功能,而银耳茶主要取于精质鲜银耳,辅以特殊科技加工工艺,制作而成,本品色香俱全,清香醇和,经济卫生,饮用方便,原料地道,配方独特,是现代家庭、宾馆、酒吧、茶楼、餐厅、旅游、休闲、脑力劳动者、学生、咽喉不爽者、年老体弱者的最佳健康饮品。 本品以色白而带玉色,有光者为上品。色枯白者,系经硫黄熏过;色褐而多斑点者均为下品。 银耳茶饮用方法:取本品一至二袋(2g/袋),以250毫升沸水冲泡5分钟,即可饮用,喜甜食者可加入冰糖,喜茶味过重者可添加茶叶一起饮用,冲泡时搅拌后效果更好,每日2-3袋为佳。此茶有滋阴降火,润肺止咳的功效,特别适用于阴虚咳嗽
产品名称:银耳粉 | 品种:白木耳 | 等级:特级 |
干湿比: 1:12 | 耳球直径:5-10cm | 耳片厚度: 5mm |
水分:≤10(%) | 一般杂质:≤0.1 | 有害杂质:≤0 |
虫蛀:≤0 | 产地:中国福建省古田县 | 厂家:古田康宏食品有限公司 |
生长月份:1-12月 | 保质期:24个月 |
1. 提高肝脏解毒能力,起保肝作用;对老年慢性支气管炎、肺原性心脏病有一定疗效。
2. 富含维生素D,能防止钙的流失,对生长发育十分有益;因富含硒等微量元素,它可以增强机体抗肿瘤的免疫力。
3. 富有天然植物性胶质,加上它的滋阴作用,长期服用可以润肤,并有祛除脸部黄褐斑、雀斑的功效。
4. 银耳中的膳食纤维可助胃肠蠕动,减少脂肪吸收,从而达到减肥的效果。
5. 银耳还能增强肿瘤患者对放疗、化疗的耐受力。
Product Introduction
White fungus, or tremella, is a valuable nutritions and tonic, and therefore entitled as “Champion of the Fungus”. White
fungus is one of the two main products of our company, the other one is shiitake mushroom. Our company is entitled to
export these two products on our own. All white fungus of our company are cultivated in Gutian County—“The Capital of White Fungus in China”, whose products have received a widespread welcome and praise at home and
abroad, because of the special geographical location, advanced cultivation techniques, and roundness, bright color, good
taste, rich nutrients of the white fungus. In 2000, “the white fungus of Gutian” was awarded “Provincial Famous Agricultural
Product” by the government of Fujian Province; on May, 2001, “the white fungus of Gutian” was given the honor of “Top
China Brand” by State Trademark Bureau; on June, 2004, AQSIQ (General Administration of Quality Supervision) officially listed
“the white fungus of Gutian” as one of the Protected Products of National Geographical Indication. Except the entire tremella
fuciformis, floret tremella fuciformis, truffle white fungus, white fungus shreds, tea, grains and powder are available. Gutian white
fungus, famous around the world. Your trust is our confidence and motivation. Place of order will be much appreciated and welcomed.
Product Specifications
Product type: tremalla powder | type: white fungus, tremella | grade: superfine |
dry/wet ratio: 1:12 | ball dia.:5-10cm | ear thickness: 5mm |
moisture: ≤10(%) | common impurity: ≤0.1 | harmful impurity: ≤0 |
worm-eaten: ≤0 | place of orgin: Gutian, China | Manufacturer: Kanghong |
grow month:all the year | shelf life: 24 months |
Package and Shipping (Customized upon request)
inner package:
outer package:
domestic delivery:
overseas shipping:
White fungus is mainly used in dessert soup, which has long been regarded as the royal delicacy in Chinese
imperial family. This nutritious, fresh and sweet dessert soup will remove both your psychological and
physical tension, and give you a good mood. All the cooking recipes can be provided according to request.
Medical value
1. improve detoxication ability of liver; beneficial to the treatment of chronic bronchitis of old people
2. rich in Vitamin D, prevent the lost of calcium, boost body-construction; rich in selenium, improve anti-cancer ability of the body
3. rich in natural colloid, effective in the elimination of chloasma and freckles
4. rich in dietary fiber, help to lose weight
5. enhance the cancer patients’ tolerance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy