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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 德国halstrup walcherp82 微差压变送器
德国halstrup walcherp82 微差压变送器
 德国halstrup walcherp82 微差压变送器
产 品: 德国halstrup walcherp82 微差压变送器  
型 号: p82 
品 牌: 德国halstrup walcher 
单 价: 100.00元/台 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-05-26  有效期至:长期有效
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是否提供加工定制: 品牌: 德国halstrup walcher
型号: p82 类型: 微差压变送器
测量介质: 气体 测量范围: 0 - 100 Pa to 0 - 20 kPa(kPa)
精度等级: ± 1 % 输出信号: 0 - 20 mA, 4 - 20 mA(mA)
电源电压: 230 VAC, 115 VAC,24 VDC, 24 VAC(V) 工作温度: -10-70(℃)

 Square-root extracted pressure transducer.
Measuring range 0 - 100 Pa to 0 - 20 kPa.
Based on a square root-extracted output characteristic, this differential-pressure transducer is particularly suitable for measuring the volumetric flow rate, e.g. in air-conditioning units, in fans and ventilation ducts. The volumetric flow rate/flow velocity can be read off directly on-site via an optional display.
 The 3 or 4-figure LC display is available as an option. In addition to Pa and kPa, it can also display mmWs, inch H2O m3/h, m/s etc.

An optional time constant of up to 5 s means the device can also be used under fluctuating pressure conditions and generates a stabilised output signal.

Technical data:

Measuring ranges:
from 0 - 100 Pa to 0 - 20 kPa
Linearity: ± 1 %
Output signals: 0 - 10 V
0 - 20 mA, 4 - 20 mA
Supply voltages:
230 VAC, 115 VAC,24 VDC, 24 VAC
Time constants: 1,2,5 s optional
Medium: air, all non-aggressive gases.
Can also be calibrated in other units of measurement, e.g. mbar, mmWs, psi, m3/h, m/s etc.
Further information available on request. a stabilised output signal
