这些平板夯能证明效益的实际价值 此平板夯能提供更佳的性能。紧凑的设计让它能在最狭窄的地方--甚至在极狭窄的沟槽中对混合形泥土进行压实。带减振的导向手柄意味着工作人员可在攻长时间工作,而疲劳会更少。  | 由于平板夯拥有极快的前进速度和简单的操控性,使此平板夯非常适合应用在不同的压实工作。 |  | 特别设计的偏心器轴承减少了维护,并适用于对热沥青进行压实。 |  | 经人体工程学设计的提升手柄,使操作人员更易从运输车辆上装卸。 |  | 大容量的水箱和宽大的加水口,使操作人员更舒适,并提高了生产效率。 |  | 可选配本田发动机或罗宾发动机。 |  | 独特,开放式设计的球墨铸铁底板具有自我清洁的功能,圆形边缘带来快速、高效的工作效果。 |  | 完全封闭式皮带由抗冲击的皮带防护装置保护,减少了皮带磨损和维护。 |
Application These plates prove that performance is valuable These Wacker Neuson vibratory plates offer functionality and performance at a value price. The compact design allows for compaction of mixed soils in the narrowest of spaces - even in extremely narrow trenches. The guide handle with vibration damping means longer working hours and less fatigue for the operator. These plates are optimally suited for a variety of compaction applications thanks to their high speeed of advance and simple maneuverability. Specially designed exciter bearings reduce maintenance and are suitable for hot asphalt applications. Ergonomically designed lifting handles make loading and unloading from transport vehicles easier for the operator. The large capacity water tank and the wide filler opening on the asphalt vibratory plate leads to higher operator comfort and improved productivity. They are available either with an Honda engine, a Robin engine or also with the technically superior Wacker Neuson WM170 engine. They are available either with an Honda engine, a Robin engine.
| | 描述 | 公制 | 英制 | 操作重量 | 81 | kg | 178 | lb | 运输重量(连包装) | 83 | kg | 183 | lb | 最低工作高度 | 442 | mm | 17 | in | 底板尺寸(长 x 宽) | 588 x 500 | mm | 23 x 20 | in | 运输尺寸 | 675 x 535 x 800 | mm | 27 x 21 x 32 | in | 激振力 | 15 | kN | 3,375 | lbf | 振动棒头频率 | 97 | Hz | 5,800 | vpm | 前进速度(泥土) | 20 | m/min | 67 | ft/min | 前进速度(沥青) | 23 | m/min | 75 | ft/min | 压实面积(泥土) | 615 | m2/h | 6,600 | ft2/h | 压实面积(沥青) | 686 | m2/h | 7,388 | ft2/h | 最大爬坡能力 | 30 | % | 30 | % | 发动机种类 | 风冷、四冲程单缸汽油发动机 | 制造商 | 本田 Honda | 型号 | GX 160 | 排量 | 163 | cm3 | 9.9 | in3 | 最大输出功率(按照DIN-ISO 3046)* | 3,6 | kW | 4.8 | hp | 在转速 | 3.600 | 1/min | 3,600 | rpm | 额定输出功率 | 3,6 | kW | 4.8 | hp | 在转速 | 3.600 | 1/min | 3,600 | rpm | 水箱容量 | 7,6 | l | 8 | US qt | 燃油消耗量 | 1,8 | l/h | 1.9 | US qt/h | 燃油箱容量 | 3,6 | l | 3.8 | US qt | 动力传送 | 由发动机经离心式离合器和駆动皮帶直接传至激振器 |