- 属于中压大流量离心风机,叶轮由后倾叶片、锥弧形前盘和平板型后盘组成
- 效率高、噪音低、坚固耐用
- 可用于一般工厂及各类宾馆、酒店集中空调系统气体输送、厨房排气以及地下室、影剧院、会议室、体育馆等大型建筑物的通风换气、降温除尘等
- 型号:2.8A - 12C 等共18种型号规格
- 风量:844 - 75552m2/h
- 全压:198 - 2746 Pa
4-72系列离心通风机(A式,C式,D式)4-72 Series Centrifugal Fan (A,C and D type) 属中压大流量离心通风机,叶轮由后倾叶片,锥弧形前盘和平板型后盘组成 效率高、噪声低、坚固耐用 可用于一般工厂及各类宾馆、酒店集中空调系统气体输送、厨房排气以及地下室、影剧院、会议室、体育馆等大型建筑物的通风换气、降温除尘等 型号:2.8A-12C共18个型号 风量:844-75552 m3/h 全压:198-2746 Pa Middle pressure and large flow centrifugal fan. The impeller is consisted of airplane-like backward blade. cone-curved front plane and flat rear plate High efficiency. low noise and strong and long service life Used for the air conveyance of air-condition systems in the factories. hotels and restaurants.kitchen air-exhausting and the ventilation cooling and dirt-extraction of basement. cinema. meeting-room. stadium and other large buildings Model: 2.8A-12C total 18 models Air volume: 844-75552 m3/h Total pressure: 198-2746 Pa |