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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 供应厂家直销YJ-D005高性能电动千斤顶及扳手组合套装千斤顶
产 品: 供应厂家直销YJ-D005高性能电动千斤顶及扳手组合套装千斤顶 
品 牌: sungoal 
单 价: 384.00元/套 
最小起订量: 1000 套 
供货总量: 1000000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2025-03-14  有效期至:长期有效
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电动扳手使用说明【“新型”车载12V电动扳手】 " new "vehicle-mounted 12V electromotive wrench.一、技术参数“新型”车载12V电动扳手—————型号:EL-W350  ◆最大扭力:350N.m◆工作电压:DC12V◆额定电流:10A◆额定功率:100W◆保险丝型号:10A◆电源线长:4.5米◆使用温度:-40℃-+60℃◆净重:2.4KG◆双套筒型号:17mm、19mm、21mm、23mm◆包装:中空吹塑盒内包装,纸箱外包装,6台/箱  二 特点★“新型”结构:高强度离心离合器。优点:无噪音、无磨损,减少运行过程中功率的无谓消耗,延长零部件的使用寿命。打击力度更大,打击次数更均衡,避免产生反作用力。电机堵转减少,电流小。 "New" structure: high strength centrifugal clutch. Advantages: no noise, no wear, reducing operation process of the power consumption and prolong the senseless lifetime component. A clampdown bigger, blow a lot more balanced, avoids producing opposite reaction. Motor stall decrease, small current. ★“新型”电机:705型。优点:大型电机,储能快速,打击力更大,打击次数限3次可拆卸螺栓。连续使用30分钟而无电机过热状况,从而延长电机的使用寿命。 ★“新型”转动定位:采用6607标准轴承定位,精度高、机械磨损率大为降低,延长扳手使用寿命。"New" rotating positioning: adopt 6607 standard bearing orientation, high precision, mechanical wear rate greatly reduced, prolong wrench using life.★“新型”套筒:采用真正适合电动扳手的、台湾产的高质量铬钒钢材质套筒。坚硬、耐用,能够承受大扭力的打击。"New" sleeve: adopt really suitable electromotive spanner, Taiwan is produced with high quality chromium vanadium steel qualitative sleeve. Solid, durable, able to with stand large torque blow.★“新型”机壳、工具箱(中空吹塑盒)—“新型”电动扳手采用全新原材料制作,有别于其它同类产品惯于采用新旧原材料混合制作的传统。尤其是其机壳的材质为高强度增强尼龙,并经高湿工艺处理而变得更耐磨、更耐用。"New" cabinet, toolbox (blow molding box) - "new" electromotive wrench adopt new raw material production, different from other similar products used by old and new raw material mix manufacture tradition. Especially the front-housing materials for high strength reinforced polyamide, and the high humidity craft processing and become more wear-resisting, more durable.★“新型”电源线—“新型”电动扳手选用2*1平方的标准截面电线。扳手使用过程中,电线不会发热和发生短路。"New" power - "new" electromotive wrench choose 2 * 1 square standard section wires. Wrench in use process, wire no heat and short-circuited.★      “新型”配件—“新型”电动扳手增加了双头套筒,以便用户随意采用所需尺寸的套筒。"New" accessories - "new" electromotive wrench increased two-headed sleeve, so that users at will by required size socket  YJS-EA008新型2T电动千斤顶使用说明【产品描述】  在实际生活中,更换汽车轮胎(瘪胎)一直是司机朋友们头痛的事,用手摇式千斤顶更换轮胎非常费时、费力,每次都累的满身大汗、浑身淤泥才能顶起汽车;有了电动千斤顶、电动扳手,它方便司机在旅途中,当汽车轮胎出现故障或爆胎时,期,是在野外酷热、严寒、或下雨、下雪的时候,按下开关,轻松顶起汽车,快速更换轮胎,绿色环保、携带方便,是司机朋友的得力助手。电动千斤顶特别适合女士、肥胖、高个子使用!一、“新型”12V电动千斤顶功能◆电机自动保护功能;◆夜间自动照明功能;◆停电应急手摇功能;◆强劲的高品质电机,扭矩强大;◆采用德国尖端技术,超长使用寿命;◆升降行程保护功能:确保升降行程到达最高或最低点时自动停止。二、 “新型”2吨电动千斤顶产品参数———————型号:YJS-EA008  ◆升降范围:125mm—360mm◆额定负载:2.0吨 ◆工作电压:12V◆额定电流:10A◆电机功率:100W◆最大功率:120W◆电源线长:4.5米◆净重:5KG◆使用温度:-40℃-+60℃◆包装:中空吹塑盒内包装,纸箱外包装,4台/箱  三使用说明:警告!使用前请拉好车子手刹,严禁车辆移动。 四、电源DC12V:直接连接车上点烟器或电瓶夹获得电源。 有了房子,买了车子;还需要艾克赛欧车载电动千斤顶/扳手;爆胎更换轮胎只需插入汽车点烟器;轻松一按,快速顶起汽车;操作简单安全、轻松快捷、携带方便;告别手摇千斤顶辛苦年代的更新换代产品!将是有车一族随车必备工具!赠送亲友的尊贵礼品!男性用是时尚,女性用是安心。五【产品优点】Advantages of product                          ————————“新型”12V电动千斤顶优点            "New" 12V electrical jack advantages★“新型”齿轮壳、工具箱(中空吹塑盒)——采用全新原材料制作,有别于其它同类产品惯于采用新旧原材料混合制作的传统。尤其是其齿轮壳的材质为高强度增强尼龙,并经高湿工艺处理而变得更耐磨、更耐用。"New" gear shell, toolbox (blow molding box) -- adopt new raw material production, different from other similar products used by old and new raw material mix manufacture tradition. Especially the gear shell material for high strength reinforced polyamide, and the high humidity craft processing and become more wear-resisting, more durable.★“新型”配合齿——采用翻边加强结构,提高千斤顶的承载能力。"New" matching teeth -- use the flanging strengthen structure and improving the bearing capacity of the jacks.★“新型”齿轮、螺杆——选用优质材料,经过高频热处理,增加机器使用寿命"New" gear, screw - using high quality materials, after high-frequency heat treatment, increase the service life of the machine★“新型”电机——拥有自主知识产权的核心技术,强劲的高品质电机,扭矩强大。"New" motors - with independent intellectual property rights of core technology, strong high quality motor, torque is strong.★“新型”顶块——采用高强度增强尼龙材料,坚韧防滑,不易开裂。并且能够保护汽车底盘漆不会损坏。"New" top block - USES high strength reinforced polyamide materials, tenacity non-slip, not easy craze. And can protect car chassis paint won"t damaged.★“新型”电源线——2吨电动千斤顶选用2*1.25平方的国标截面电线,3T吨电动千斤顶先用电动千斤顶选用2*1.5平方的国标截面电线。电动千斤顶使用过程中,电线不会发热和发生短路。"New" the power cord-Two tons of electric jack choose 2 * 1.25 square of gb section wires, 3T tons of electric jack first use electric jack choose 2 * 1.5 square of gb cross-section wire. Electric jack in use process, wire no heat and short-circuited.★“新型”主体结构——采用加强筋及翻边、加厚等优化坚固设计从而在结构上了增加强度,大大提高了产品耐压性能,保证产品重载稳定不会变形。电动千斤顶底板和下支臂超厚,采用加强筋的优化坚固设计,使千斤顶升降平稳,不会变形。"New" main structure -- use the reinforcement and flanging, thickened such strong design and optimization in structure increased strength, greatly improving the product compression performance, to ensure product overloaded stable won"t be out of shape. Electric jack slab and under arms over thick, using reinforced optimization strong design, make jack lifting smoothly, won"t be out of shape.       六【产品特点】【Productfeatures】⑴操作方便快捷:电动千斤顶利用内置12V直流电机,底部采用平板支座设计,省时省力,避免传统千斤顶的操作危险,方便安全。可调节高度范围广,适用于各种小型车辆。电动扳手配备4种不同尺寸的套筒,可以在3秒内轻松拆卸或者紧固各种汽车的车轮固定螺丝1个。电动扳手配备松/紧转换开关,操作简洁方便安全。Convenient operation: electric jack using built-in 12 v dc motor, bottom slab joints are designed, the save Labour, avoid danger, the traditional jacks operate convenient safety. Adjustable height range, applicable to all kinds of small vehicles. Equipped with four different electromotive spanner, can be in the sleeve size 3 seconds easily remove or tighten various kinds of car wheels setscrew 1. Electromotive spanner equipped with loose/tight duplexer, simple operation convenient safety.⑵取电方便:配备电瓶线夹及点烟器插头,可以直接插入点烟器中,或者连接汽车蓄电池即可使用,线长约4.5米。Take electricity convenient: equipped with battery wire clips and seatand can directly into cigarette lighter, or links automobile accumulator can be used, line length about 450 meters.⑶工作安全:电动千斤顶具有升降自锁的保护装置,当超出顶举范围时将自动停止升降,安全可靠。 Job security: electric jack has lift the self-locking protection device that, when beyond top heave range will automatically stop lifting, safe and reliable.⑷洁净环保:采用丝杆齿轮传动,抛弃传统液压设计,工作环境洁净环保。 Environmental clean: using screw gear transmission, discard the traditional hydraulic design, working environment, environmental clean.⑸携带方便:包装采用中空吹塑工具箱式。 Portable: packaging with hollow blow molding tool box.  七【操作示意图】 【Operation schematic drawing】 1、操作时拉好车子手刹,禁止汽车移动;可以直接插入点烟器中,或者连接汽车蓄电池即可使用。When operating, pull the car hand brake, banning cars moving,Can directly into cigarette lighter, or links automobile accumulator can be used.2、将电动千斤顶在车子底盘指定位置,按下“∧”上升键,轻松把汽车顶起。Jack put the car chassis will electric designated position, press "∧" rise keys, relaxed      the car jacked up.3、用电动扳手将轮胎螺丝一一松脱,拆卸轮胎。Use electric wrench will tire screw loose, remove one tire.4、换上备用轮胎,以对角形式扭紧螺丝。Change to spare tire diagonally form twist screw. 八、适合车型2T电动千斤顶:适合车型A00级车(微型车):Alto奥拓A0级车(小型车):POLOA级车(紧凑型):科鲁兹CruzeB级车(中型车):雅阁AccordC级车(中型车):Audi奥迪A6D级车(豪华车):奔驰S级面包车柳州五菱皮卡车   



