杭州高福机械制造有限公司是一家集自主研发,生产,销售和服务于一体的泡沫塑料机械制造厂家.公司现有"富申"和"FUTESHEN"两大注册品牌. 公司自主研发的富申牌普通真空成型机.间隙式预发机等系列畅销国内.本着更加节能.环保.机械性能长久稳定的原则,公司用近两年的时间研制实验出FUTESHEN牌节能型中央真空全自动成型机.致使EPS行业更加节能,环保.是EPS行业发展的方向标. 为保证企业的可持续发展,公司始终坚持以质量为本,以市场为导向,以信誉求发展,以"创新和科学管理"为着力点.以向国内外客户提供高品质和优质服务为宗旨,始终将客户放在首位. 热忱欢迎国内外客户莅临本公司!
Company Profile
Hangzhou Gaofu mechanical manufacturing Co.,Ltd. is a collection of independently researching and development, production, sales and service of integrated foam machinery manufacturing. The company has two registered brands “FUSHEN” and “FUTESHEN” right now. The indepandently researched “FUSHEN” original vacuum forming machine and dis-continuous pre-expander series of productions and popular in domesitc market. With the principle of energy-saving, enviromental protection and long-time steady machine operate, the company for nearly two years to development “FUTESHEN” energy-saving central automatic vacuum forming machine cause the DPS industry more energy saving, more enviromental and have became the direction of development of the EPS industry standard. To maintain sustainable development, the company is market-oriented, focusing on quality and brand reputation. The company builds on continuous innovation and systematic management, prospers on high-quality products and premier services and customers lie at the core of our business. The overseas and domestic customers are warmly welcome to our company.