红外测温仪 KXL-320*测量范围:-50 ~ 330℃ (-58~626℉)*精确度:±1.5% or ±1.5℃*重复性:±1% or ±1℃*物距比:12:1*发射率:0.95预设*分辨率:0.1℃/℉*响应时间:500毫秒*响应波长:8-14μm*℃/℉温度单位转换*数据保持显示*定位激光开/关选择*LCD背光开/关选择*自动关机*电源:2*1.5V AAA电池*产品净重:115.1克(含电池)*产品尺寸:144.5*38*93毫米*包装方式:吸塑+卡纸 Precise non-contact IR thermometer, safe and easy to use.Simply point to an object and read its temperature.Laser sight allows accurate targeting.Consist of optics, temperature sensor, signal amplifier, processing circuit and LCD display.Laser on/off switch, Auto power off & temperature data hold.20 seconds auto power off.Celsius and Fahrenheit switchable.Lightweight and compact.Suitable for: hot water pipes, hot engine parts, cooking surfaces, hot tubes insulation, electrical connection, ballasts in electric lights, electric motors, bearings, wine coolers hot asphalt, swimming pools, fish tanks, hot ... [