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  • 联系人:张保仁
  • 电话:86-0394-5739107
  • 手机:13608619118
您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 供应环宇品牌减速机轴套,减速机轴瓦
产 品: 供应环宇品牌减速机轴套,减速机轴瓦 
品 牌: 环宇 
单 价: 面议 
最小起订量: 3  
供货总量: 500000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2025-03-10  有效期至:长期有效





联系电话: 0394-5739107 传 真: 0394-5739107

联 系 QQ 610636711 移动电话: 13608619118

电子邮箱: huanyukeji@163.com

邮政编码: 466000

公司主页:http://www.huny.cn  http://www.hyjskj.com

联系人:张保仁  经理

联系地址: 中国.周口市经济技术开发区环宇路1

  Babbit - a soft matrixdistribution of hard particles relative to the low melting point alloy bearing.There are tin-based, lead-and cadmium-three series. Babbitt In addition to themanufacture of plain bearings, because of its soft texture, low intensity,often to wire or powder coating made of bearing used in the steel matrix. Toprevent component segregation and grain refinement, often by adding a smallamount of arsenic.

  According to nationalstandards, babbitt can be divided into two kinds of tin-based alloys andlead-based alloys. The strength and hardness of the lead-based alloy is lowerthan tin-alloy, corrosion resistance is also poor. Babbitt, so the customer isusually used tin-based alloys, commonly used grades are ZChSnSb11-6,ZChSnSb8-4, ZChSnSb8-8, etc.. Although the performance of lead-based alloytin-based alloys, but many customers still choose to use, because it uses upmore economical, their usual grades ZChPbSb16-16-2, ZChPbSb1-16-1.

  Zhoukou Universalproduction of a variety of babbitt bearing alloy, tin-based alloys, aluminum,zinc alloy, bearings, bushings, module, slider pad with weights, widely used invarious mechanical bearing, bearings, bushings, seal wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant,the seismic withstand voltage. Mechanical bearing bushings, ball mill, reducer,motor, fan, turbine, turbine, steam engine, internal combustion engines, dieselengines, gasoline engines, compressors, crushers, paper machines, rollingmills, tube making machine, chemical machinery, petroleum machinery, miningmachinery, ship machinery, machine tools, locomotives.

  In order to ensurehigh-quality service to customers, to provide customers with quality productsand services, Universal always adhere to customer service, the user isresponsible for customer satisfaction, "the purpose, adhere to the"science and technology, the quality of the main line, reputation development,"the quality policy, and actively introduce and promote new technologies,new processes, new materials, improve product quality; quality management,based on the full participation and to ensure the best job, and constantlyimprove the quality system, the first class quality and efficiency; contract,Shou credibility, providing quality products and services, to make friends inthe world, to seek business development.
