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  • 联系人:张保仁
  • 电话:86-0394-5739107
  • 手机:13608619118
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供应环宇各种轴承合金 巴氏合金 轴瓦轴套
供应环宇各种轴承合金 巴氏合金 轴瓦轴套
产 品: 供应环宇各种轴承合金 巴氏合金 轴瓦轴套 
品 牌: 环宇 
单 价: 120.00元/公斤 
最小起订量: 25 公斤 
供货总量: 60000 公斤
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
更新日期: 2025-03-10  有效期至:长期有效
  即时询单  立即购买  加入购物车








  周口环宇金属科技有限公司技术力量雄厚,机械加工设备精良,检测设备齐全,全面贯彻 ISO9002质量认证体系,以科学的管理、良好的信誉,深受电力、冶金、化工、矿山等系统用户的好评。



联系电话: 0394-5739107 传 真: 0394-5739107

联 系 QQ 610636711 移动电话: 13608619118

电子邮箱: huanyukeji@163.com

邮政编码: 466000

公司主页:http://www.huny.cn  http://www.hyjskj.com

联系人:张保仁  经理

联系地址: 中国.周口市经济技术开发区环宇路1

  Zhoukou Universal MetalTechnology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of babbitt, Xiji Ba'salloy, bearing babbitt the babbitt bearing enterprise, in plain bearings(bearings), design, bearing manufacturing, bearing refurbishment, bearingrepaired. Welcome bearing Drawing No. or plans to discuss business. Thecompany's business scope: babbitt, tin-based alloys, babbitt bearing hangingSoba's alloy wire rope babbitt the ball mill babbitt bearing steel Pap alloyslider.

  The Zhoukou Universal AlloyTechnology Co., Ltd. specializing in the production of different materials suchas babbitt bearing, tungsten watt, Xiji Ba's alloy tile, tin-based alloysbearing, the bearing of lead-based alloys, copper-based alloy bearing. The sizeof 50-3500 mm outer diameter bearing, turbine bearing, turbine bearing,hydraulic generator bearing, turbine bearing, compressor bearing the sinteringmachine bearings, rolling mill bearings, ball mill watts, mill bearing,centrifugal fan bearing, diesel watts.

  The turbine bearings:thrust pad thrust support bearings, tilting pad, spherical bush, three oilwedge watts.

  Turbine generator bearings:thrust pad, sealing tile, spherical bush.

  Turbine Bearing: thrustpad, water guide, guide block and lower guide tile, mirror plate.

  Hydraulic generatorbearing: fluorine plastic tile, spherical bush

  AC motor bearings, bearingexciter.

  Zhoukou Universal MetalTechnology Co., Ltd. strong technical force, excellent mechanical processingequipment, testing equipment, and fully implement the ISO9002 qualitycertification system, to the praise of scientific management, good reputation,by electric power, metallurgy, chemical industry, mining and other users of thesystem.

  In line with the needs ofusers is our sole reason for existence "business purpose, like goodquality, low price, high quality services to provide customers with a varietyof specifications products.

  Zhoukou Universal MetalTechnology Co., Ltd., the production and supply of all kinds of tin Pakistan'salloy, of Xiji Ba's alloy, the babbitt slider, pewter, lead-antimony alloy,babbitt bearing covers Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou , Tibet, Xinjiang,Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Shaanxi,Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang, Shandong, Jilin, Liaoning,Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hainan and other provinces, municipalities andautonomous regions . Note: the Zhoukou Universal Metal Technology Co., Ltd.according to user needs, tailored to a variety of hardness (HB), melting point (°C) Composition (%) and other requirements of tin-based bearing alloy.
