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电子邮箱: huanyukeji@163.com
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公司主页:http://www.huny.cn http://www.hyjskj.com
联系人:张保仁 经理
联系地址: 中国.周口市经济技术开发区环宇路1号
The Zhoukou Universal Metal Technology Co., Ltd. long-term cement machinery, steel machinery, chemical machinery, paper machinery, petroleum machinery, ship machinery, compression machinery, coal machinery, mineral processing equipment to provide quality babbitt, tin-based bearing alloy, of Xiji Ba's alloys, elevator sling rope fastening dedicated babbitt the the machine slider pad ingot alloy, bearing a dedicated babbitt, lead Chiba's alloy, babbitt wire, high-tin alloy, bearing alloy, tin-antimony alloy, pewter, antimony trioxide, tin ingots, low melting point, corrosion-resistant alloys, solder, wire, zinc alloy, ball mill babbitt products in more than 20 series, with high performance, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, earthquake, compression and other characteristics, dare industry than the price than the quality of Universal alloy babbitt industry-leading brands.
Categories: the Xiji Ba's alloy, lead Chiba's alloy, babbitt wire, dedicated elevator the babbitt, wire rope slings babbitt. The same time, the Zhoukou Universal Metal Technology Co., Ltd. in the north (Beijing) high-tech technical support, product life is the domestic counterparts 2-3 times, to reach the domestic top-level scientific and technological content.
I would like to thank new and old customers the support and love. Long-term use of our babbitt, tin-based alloys, bearing alloys, lead-based alloys, Ugyen, bearing sleeve. Eternal and lasting cooperation, we both supply and demand by leaps and bounds, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, Universal Metal Technology has been gradually become babbitt pioneer in the industry, the research and development of the core technical force owners.
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