周口环宇金属科技有限公司长期供应轴承巴氏合金11-6,巴氏合金4-4,巴氏合金8-8,巴氏合金8-4,巴氏合金7.5-3,巴氏合金15-5,巴氏合金10-6,巴氏合金20-15-1.5,巴氏合金10-15-1,巴氏合金16-16-2等各种规格巴氏合金铸件。 巴氏合金广泛应用于科研、军工、电力、交通、船舶、矿山、石化、重工轻工和建材机械的轴瓦轴承及轴套,又可用于吊索钢丝绳加固。还应用于各种密封轴套及阀门,其性能稳定,防腐耐磨,抗震抗压,是滚动轴承不可取代的长期延用产品。
联系电话: 0394-5739107 传 真: 0394-5739107
联 系 QQ: 610636711 移动电话: 13608619118
电子邮箱: huanyukeji@163.com
邮政编码: 466000
公司主页:http://www.huny.cn http://www.hyjskj.com
联系人:张保仁 经理
联系地址: 中国.周口市经济技术开发区环宇路1号
The Zhoukou Universal MetalTechnology Co., long-term supply the bearing babbitt 11-6, babbitt 4-4, thebabbitt 8-8, the babbitt 8-4, the babbitt 7.5-3, babbitt 15-5babbitt 10-6,babbitt 20-15-1.5, babbitt 10-15-1, babbitt 16-16-2 and other specificationsbabbitt castings. Babbitt metal bearings and bushings are widely used inscientific research, military, electric power, transportation, shipbuilding,mining, petrochemical, heavy industry and light industry and building materialsmachinery, but also for sling wire rope reinforcement. Also used in various sealingsleeve and valve, its performance is stable, corrosion resistant, seismiccompression, rolling bearings can not be replaced long-term extension products.
Business ups and downs,technology-oriented "the Zhoukou Universal Metal Technology Co., Ltd. hasa provincial enterprise technology center and the country's largest tin-basedbearing alloy research and development team, long-term and Xi'an JiaotongUniversity - Bearing Research Institute, China University of Mining (Beijing)research institutes in close technical cooperation, the introduction of the newCNC machining equipment and products in the production environment of constanttemperature and pressure, high vacuum automation batch casting, its quality andperformance of the country's top level.
Ferrous alloys company setresearch and development, production in one, with nearly four decades theproduction of tin-based alloy, tin-antimony alloy, babbitt bearing alloytechnology experience, long-term, China North Industries Corporation, ShanghaiBaosteel Group, the Ertan Hydropower Station, Dongfang Electric, Shenhua Groupand other major military enterprises, hydroelectric plants, shipyards, MiningGroup to provide a new generation of high-performance non-ferrous alloyproducts, but also to the best quality, the best price for the factories andmines, cement plants, machine repair company offers a variety of tin-basedalloy, tin-antimony alloy, babbitt bearing alloy, babbitt bearing; the sametime, according to customer performance requirements of the the Universal metalR & D technology Center offers a comprehensive new earthquake resistant andresistant alloy application product development, on behalf of the processing aswell as technical personnel training services, to provide users with systemintegration "alloy application solutions.
My integrity management,quality of survival, reputation and development, warmly welcome customers callto discuss business, and seek business opportunities!