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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » Multani 印度纯天然深度清洁去黑头保湿面膜泥 100g
Multani 印度纯天然深度清洁去黑头保湿面膜泥 100g
Multani 印度纯天然深度清洁去黑头保湿面膜泥 100g
产 品: Multani 印度纯天然深度清洁去黑头保湿面膜泥 100g 
单 价: 20.00元/ 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-07-24  有效期至:长期有效
  即时询单  立即购买  加入购物车
产品系列:火山泥 上市时间:1980 货号:156
适用人群:通用 适用肤质:通用 品牌类型:亚洲品牌
规格:正常规格 产品类别:面膜粉 功效:收缩毛孔,提拉紧致,控油,去角质,提亮肤色,活肤滋润,净化排毒,去黑头
品牌:蔓海蒂 净含量:100(g/ml) 属性:属性值


【产品名称】 Natural Multani Powder

【产品规格】 100G ,锡箔密封包装袋

【产品产地】 印度

【生产日期】 2012年2月

【保质期】   3年


Multani 泥面膜是全天然的皮肤清洁护理品.以适用于各个年龄段的男士、女士而著名,是全天然的最基础的皮肤调节剂。
Multani 也被称做Fuller's Earth(清洁泥土). 含有矿物质,对皮肤有特别的治疗功效,它可从毛孔深处清除尘垢。经常使用能控制皮肤的油份分泌,使皮肤健康生长,这种面膜可混合清水、玫瑰水或牛奶,按摩脸部。这样可以刺激皮肤,促使有效成分深入皮肤深处。
Multani 面膜,来自地球泥土的清洁粉末,你特有的面膜,带给你符合印度草药学的天然的皮肤护理,源于自然的礼物


  • 自然的皮肤清洁与护理;
  • 清除皮肤毛孔中的污垢与尘土,让其呼吸更加通畅,使皮肤柔软光滑;
  • 促进血液循环和皮肤生长;
  • 混合成糊状敷在皮肤上,这款天然面膜在清除皮肤上尘垢的同时还保持皮肤天然的油份;
  • 天然的收敛剂和清洁剂



  • 油性皮肤:加清水或玫瑰水
  • 干性皮肤:加牛奶或酸奶
  • 正常皮肤:加清水


  • 放入适量在小碗中,用清水、玫瑰水、牛奶或豆奶调成糊状;
  • 敷在脸部、颈部,按摩并轻轻敲击,避开眼部肌肤;
  • 保持20分钟或直至其干燥;
  • 用温水洗净再用凉水冲洗




About Multani Mitti
  It is Mother Nature's own baby powder. Clay was one of the earliest substances

 to be used as a beauty mask - probably something to do with the fact that we all have

lolled about in mud as children and loved it. In fact, it's quite safe to dust a baby's

tender bottom with fine multani mitti, gopi chandan or Fuller's earth.

Multani mitti is at once homey and high-tech. It was used as far back as ancient Rome

 but the name Fuller's earth comes from this clay's use in the early English wool industry.

 It was considered so valuable that English law forbade its export until the early 18th century.

Fuller's earth can clean our bodies, as well. It is often used in facial masks to draw oils

from the skin. You can sprinkle it your bath, or make a paste that can be applied to your face.

Around the house, Fuller's earth can be used to clean up oil spills from your car or to

 remove wine stains from non-washable materials.

Fuller's earth is also a natural way to remove impurities without

stripping the hair of its natural moisturisers. Medically, the clay absorbs bacteria

 and toxins and reduces water loss. Because of its high mineral content, it is used to

reduce arthritic pain, and strengthen fingernails, teeth, gums and hair. It has even been

used as an emergency treatment for individuals who have ingested a harmful substance,

in order to decrease the amount of poison absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.

Mud in general can help take the pain out of burns and bee stings (bears roll around in

it when they're stung), and when wet clay dries on the skin, it can draw out heat and reduce

inflammation. Spiritually, a mudpack can help ground you. Healers recommend a mudpack

in preparation of rituals and spells of prosperity and healing.

  For the skin
Take a tablespoon each of curd, multani mitti powder and mint powder. Soak multani mitti

and mint powder in curd for half an hour and then blend well. Apply it

 on your face for 15 minutes. When dried, wash off with lukewarm water followed

 by a cold-water rinse. This isan ideal mask for oily skin.

Take one egg white, a teaspoon of multani mitti powder, a few drops each of

 peppermint extract and water. Soak multani mitti powder in the water for half an hour.

Beat the egg and blend in all the ingredients together. Mix the soaked multani mitti powder

in the mixture. Apply this on the face for 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

This is also a good mask for oily skin.

If you have a patchy skin make the following face pack. Take a tablespoon

 each of curd and multani mitti and a teaspoon of mint powder. Soak multani mitti

in curd for half an hour, then mix mint in it. Apply the paste on the face.

 Leave it to dry and wash off with lukewarm water followed by a cold-water rinse.

Mix an egg white, a tablespoon curd, a teaspoon each multani mitti and

 honey as a mask for normal to oily skin. Mix a tablespoon each of curd and

multani mitti with half a teaspoon of honey and one eighth teaspoon of

baking soda for a mask for normal to oily skin. A simple mask of multani mitti

with besan and gulabjal (rose water) is effective for treating sunburn.

Some multani mitti mixed with tomato juice applied it to your skin is also

 good for treating sunburn.


To remove pimple marks, grind two or three neem leaves into

a paste and mix with a tablespoon of multani mitti soaked in water.

 Apply this to clean skin and let it dry completely before washing it off.

Do this daily for 15 days.


Mix together one fourth cup of multani mitti, one fourth cup dried

orange peel and two tablespoons full of oatmeal powder. Take a spoon

 full of this mixture, add some water to make a paste and apply it all over

the face and neck. Work the paste gently into the skin in a circular motion.

Concentrate on the nose and chin area. Wash off with water. This scrub

deep cleans oily skin and helps unclog pores.

Mix four ounces of powdered almonds, two ounces of glycerine soap

and one ounce of multani mitti in a little water. Rub this exfoliating scrub

on the blackhead-affected areas on your face. Make an exfoliating scrub

with multani mitti, orange peel, sandalwood and tomato pulp. Massage it

on the skin and rinse off.

A regular cleanser can be made for all types of skin using Fuller's earth.

 Mix together multani mitti, oatmeal and almond paste. Apply all over face

and wash off after 10 minutes. Mix together multani mitti, besan and sandalwood powder

in equal quantities and store the mixture in an airtight container. Use a teaspoon of

this scrub mixed to a paste with water to cleanse the skin of flakes and dirt.

Make a whole body mudpack with five tablespoons of multani mitti,

a cup of fresh apple juice, a tablespoon each of lemon juice and honey,

two tablespoons of almond oil and six drops of sandalwood essential oil.

Mix the multani mitti with apple and lemon juice until it forms a smooth paste.

Stir in the almond oil, honey and essential oil.

To use, apply small amounts of the mixture to the body. Start at the feet and work up.

 Concentrate on areas of dull skin. Gently massage the mixture into the skin and leave for

a few minutes to dry before getting into the shower. Use warm water to

rinse off all traces of the mudpack, and then shower.


For the hair

Try this dry shampoo if you are in a hurry. Divide your hair into

 sections and fluff a little multani mitti powder through each section.

 Rub in well and leave for 10 minutes. Brush out thoroughly with a clean brush.

The powder will absorb most of the grease and dirt.


For damaged or dull hair try this treatment. Moisten your hair with

 warm water and massage a generous amount of refined oil (sesame or apricot oil)

into your hair and scalp. Cover your hair with a plastic shower cap (or plastic wrap)

and a towel. Leave on for at least one hour. Next, apply a mixture of multani mitti

 to your hair and scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Using warm water,

thoroughly rinse the mud from your hair and scalp. Shampoo as usual.

Apply a liberal amount of refined oil to damp, towel dried hair and scalp.

 Comb through with a wide-tooth comb. Let your hair dry naturally.

For treating split ends, massage your hair and scalp with olive oil.

After two hours steam your hair for half an hour by wrapping a towel dipped in hot water.

Wash your hair using a mix of multani mitti and curd (buttermilk for oily hair).

 The next day shampoo your hair with a regular shampoo.


This has many names such as “mother nature’s own baby powder”, Fuller’s Earth and clay. 

When the paste is applied to the hair it removes impurities without stripping away your hairs natural oils.
  Use as a dry shampoo by applying to dry dirty hair and brushing the powder into the hair.  The powder will absorb most of the dirt and oils.

When applied to the face it draws out excessive oils and leaves the skin feeling refreshed and supple. When the wet clay is applied to skin it draws out heat and reduces any inflammation that you may have due to burns or insect bites.


How to use on hair:

  • mix powder with warm water into a thick paste
  • gently massage the paste into the hair and scalp rotating your finger tips
  • leave paste on hair for 30-40 minutes
  • wash thoroughly with water to remove paste

Benefits of use:

  • all natural shampoo
  • absorbs bacteria and toxins in hair
  • reduces water loss from hair leaving it soft and shiney

How to use on face:

  • mix 1 tablespoon of powder with 1 tablespoon of water and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
  • apply a thin layer of the paste to your face and neck
  • leave for 10-15 minutes till dry
  • rinse off face and splash with cold water to constrict pores

Benefits of use:

  • leaves skin refreshed
  • aids in acne problems
  • cleans the skin and helps shrink pores

