适用发质:油性,中性,干性,通用 | 产地:印度 | 类型:专业型 |
适用人群:成人 | 香型:草本香 | 功效:柔顺,抗菌消炎,清爽控油,防开叉,防脱发,浓密蓬松,改善头痒,强韧防断发,去头屑,烫后护卷,头皮舒缓,深层清洁 |
品牌:蔓海蒂 | 箱装数量:100 | 净含量:100克 |
![]() ![]() 【产品主要功效】 清洁、抑菌、去屑、防脱、美白去斑、滋润皮肤 1、天然清洁,可洗澡、洗发、洗衣。 2、天然抗真菌,可改善皮炎,如湿疹、暗疮、脚气。 3、美容,让皮肤细腻、光泽、富有弹性,改善肌肤青春痘、黑斑、皱纹、皮肤干燥、粗糙等肌肤问题。 【使用方法】 使用方法一 1、用温热的水调成糊状 2、用手均匀的将糊涂到头发上 3、保留20分钟用清水洗净。 4、如觉得头发干,可以加一些amla醋粟粉一起用
温馨提示: 不要弄到眼睛里,弄到眼睛里很不舒服的,眼睛会红红的,一个小时左右才会好.所以一定要注意噢.
使用方法二 煮无患子液体:100克粉用布袋装好放入1.5升左右的水.温度控制在80度以下(手试水温感觉烫就要熄火),冷却后装入可乐瓶等容器,用来洗碗洗手都可以.最好半个月内用完或者放冰箱。 再也不怕洗洁精残留危害家人健康了。赞一个!
更多资料分享 Botanical Name(s):Sapindus Mukorossi Family Name:Sapindaceae Description An attractive medium sized deciduous tree, Reetha (Sapindus mukorossi), stands up to 20 m in height, with gray smooth bark and pinnate leaves. The tree bears leaves in 5-10 pairs, with large drupes. The trunk of the tree is straight and cylindrical, going 13-16 ft in height and has an umbrella-like hemisphere measuring about 16 ft in diameter. The tree is ever-growing and in 70 years of existence, it can attain a height of up to 82 ft and a girth of up to 9-16 ft. The size of the leaflets tapers towards the tip of the rachis. The flowers on Reetha plant grow during the summer season and are small in size and greenish white in color. The fruit appears in July and August and ripens by the months of November and December. This ripened fruit is then either sold in the market as soap nut or collected for seeds, as they tend to germinate easily. The dried fruit has a soapy texture and is used to prepare quality shampoos, detergents and a substitute for washing hands. Moreover, the plant is soft and green when it is fresh. Uses & Benefits of Reetha
Popular Name(s):Soapnut, Soap Nut, Soapberry, Soap Berry, Washnut, and Wash Nut, Ritha, Aritha, Dodan, Doadni, Doda, Kanma and Thali Caution
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