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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 蔓海蒂Reetha 印度无患子柔顺去屑保湿天然养发洗发粉 100克
蔓海蒂Reetha 印度无患子柔顺去屑保湿天然养发洗发粉 100克
蔓海蒂Reetha 印度无患子柔顺去屑保湿天然养发洗发粉 100克
产 品: 蔓海蒂Reetha 印度无患子柔顺去屑保湿天然养发洗发粉 100克 
单 价: 15.00元/ 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-07-24  有效期至:长期有效
  即时询单  立即购买  加入购物车
适用发质:油性,中性,干性,通用 产地:印度 类型:专业型
适用人群:成人 香型:草本香 功效:柔顺,抗菌消炎,清爽控油,防开叉,防脱发,浓密蓬松,改善头痒,强韧防断发,去头屑,烫后护卷,头皮舒缓,深层清洁
品牌:蔓海蒂 箱装数量:100 净含量:100克
























Botanical Name(s):Sapindus Mukorossi
Family Name:Sapindaceae

An attractive medium sized deciduous tree, Reetha (Sapindus mukorossi), stands up to 20 m in height, with gray smooth bark and pinnate leaves. The tree bears leaves in 5-10 pairs, with large drupes. The trunk of the tree is straight and cylindrical, going 13-16 ft in height and has an umbrella-like hemisphere measuring about 16 ft in diameter. The tree is ever-growing and in 70 years of existence, it can attain a height of up to 82 ft and a girth of up to 9-16 ft. The size of the leaflets tapers towards the tip of the rachis.

The flowers on Reetha plant grow during the summer season and are small in size and greenish white in color. The fruit appears in July and August and ripens by the months of November and December. This ripened fruit is then either sold in the market as soap nut or collected for seeds, as they tend to germinate easily. The dried fruit has a soapy texture and is used to prepare quality shampoos, detergents and a substitute for washing hands. Moreover, the plant is soft and green when it is fresh.

Uses & Benefits of Reetha
  • Reetha is used as the main ingredient in soaps and shampoos for washing hair, as it is considered good for the health of hair. The trend of washing hair with soapnut (reetha) is still followed in many local households.
  • The jewelers in India use this plant to bring back the lost brightness of ornaments made of precious metals like gold, silver, etc.
  • The herb is also used in the treatment of extra salvation, migraine, epilepsy and chlorosis.
  • It has been placed as a popular herb in the list of herbs and minerals in Ayurveda and is used as an important ingredient in cleansers and shampoos. In addition, it is used for the treatment of eczema湿疹, psoriasis牛皮癣;银屑癣 , and for removing freckles  雀斑.
  • Reetha is also used for removing lice from the scalp, as it has gentle insecticida杀虫的;杀虫剂的 properties.
  • The plant is known for its antimicrobial properties抗菌的 that are beneficial for septic systems.败血症
  • It is an important herb that is used in the treatment of contaminated soil受污染的土壤 . Moreover, it has also been used for washing and bleaching cardamoms, further helping in improving the latter’s color and flavor.

Popular Name(s):Soapnut, Soap Nut, Soapberry, Soap Berry, Washnut, and Wash Nut, Ritha, Aritha, Dodan, Doadni, Doda, Kanma and Thali
Parts Used:Soapnuts, Soapnut Shells, Soapnut Shells Powder

  • Reetha has no adverse effects, but direct contact with the eyes should be avoided.









