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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 印度蔓海蒂皂角Shikakai固发去屑控油泽发养发洗发粉 100克
印度蔓海蒂皂角Shikakai固发去屑控油泽发养发洗发粉 100克
印度蔓海蒂皂角Shikakai固发去屑控油泽发养发洗发粉 100克
产 品: 印度蔓海蒂皂角Shikakai固发去屑控油泽发养发洗发粉 100克 
单 价: 15.00元/ 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-07-24  有效期至:长期有效
  即时询单  立即购买  加入购物车
适用发质:油性,中性,干性,通用 产地:印度 类型:专业型
适用人群:成人 香型:草本香 功效:柔顺,抗菌消炎,清爽控油,防开叉,防脱发,浓密蓬松,改善头痒,强韧防断发,去头屑,烫后护卷,头皮舒缓,深层清洁
品牌:蔓海蒂 箱装数量:100 净含量:100克



            Shikai (Acacia Cancinna)         
Shikakai ,原产于印度,中亚地区干燥风土带 。该植物因荚含有丰富的皂素而特殊。它含有皂素被认为温和的洗涤剂。


为有效的计划生育医药。印度人习惯用Shikakai 作为洗发水及沐浴

露 。他们将Shikakai 研磨成粉末或侵泡在水里后用于头发 。因它包含的皂素温和且Ph值低,所

以清洁头发安全,不会损伤头发自有的油脂,还可以促进头发生长。Shikaki 不仅是清洁剂,而是

常好的滋润剂和柔顺剂 ,也有去屑 功能 。用它洗头发后 使头发更有弹性更有活力 ,它不愧

为头发果子之称 。夏天通过用Shikakai 可以保持身体凉快头发湿润 。它也是个天然的收敛剂 。

通过用Shikaki水可以平滑皱纹 。


1 滋养头发,固发,生发,去屑,
2 清洁头皮和消炎。
3 天然的护发素,能增加头发的弹性和光泽, 令你的头发蓬松,光亮, 强韧。


Shikakai 有很多不同的用法,我们介绍几种常用的给大家



1.纯shikakai 粉直接洗发

用温水将洗发粉混合成糊状,等10分钟后, 用头涂在头皮和头发上并按摩5分钟,再用清水洗净即可,不需要再用洗发水,护发素,头发冲水后是很顺滑的。


Shikakai 常与Amla , Henna 配合制成染发粉,可以得到更深的颜色,更好的养发功效,很多印度原厂配方的海娜粉都有添加,如我们店里的几款原装厂家牌子 Godrej Nupur .


Shikakai 与Amla , Reetha 配制成的洗发粉是印度传统草本洗发金典的配方,在洗发的同时,可以改善头发,头皮的各种问题,达到保健头皮,养发的作用。

我们店里的DIY 洗发粉得到了很多老客户的肯定 ,这是2款产品的连接



Shikakai (Acacia Cancinna):
Acacia Concinna is a small shrub-like tree, which grows in the warm, dry plains of central India .生长在印度中部干燥,温暖的地方 For centuries the people who have had access to this tree have used its pod-like fruit to clean their hair. It's considered a superior cleanser for "lustrous long hair"生机勃发的长发 and has been reported as "promoting hair growth 促进头发的生长and preventing dandruff. 去屑It also helps in removing dandruff and lice & very effective in removing oil and dirt from hair .去油污 It has a natural low pH, is extremely mild, and doesn't strip hair of natural oils. Usually no rinse or conditioner is used since shikakai also acts as a detangler. 护发素This ancient product is probably the world's original pH balanced shampoo.

Botanical name: Acacia Concina
English name   : Soap Fruit

Shikakai (Accacia Corrcinnade) is a unique remedy for a lengthy and beautiful hair. Shikakai contains Ceponin-11.20%, Melic Acid-12.75%, Resin- 1%, Glucose-13.90%, Colouring Agents-21.50% It is a complete tonic for retaining softness of hair. It's considered a superior cleanser for "lustrous long hair" and has been reported as "promoting hair growth and preventing dandruff. It also helps in removing dandruff and head-lice & very effective in removing oil and dirt from hair . It has a natural low pH, is extremely mild, and doesn't strip hair of natural oils. This ancient product is probably the world's original pH balanced shampoo. Shikakai has been used for hair care in India for centuries. It is also used to combat dandruff.


Shikakai Powder has the following advantages:

- Provides new life to hair strands - Strengthens hair roots - Increases bounchiness and silkiness of hair - Clears dandruff - Keeps the scalp clean and cool.
- Enhances elasticity and shine of your hair , leaving them heathly and luxurious.
How to use
1) Take required powder and add suitable water , mix well and make a thick paste. .
2) Gently massage rotating the finger tips. .
3) wait for 2 ~5 minutes 4) Wash thoroughly with water.Application of Shikakai Powder for hair
Application of Shikakai Powder for hair
Mix Shikakai powder with water to make a paste and then work it through the hair. It will lather moderately and gently cleanses the hair. Mix Shikakai powder withAmla powderandHenna powderfor even better results.

Benefits of Shikakai Powder for Hair:

  • Shikakai powder is a natural shampoo
  • Shikakai has a natural low pH
  • Shikakai powder strengthens hair roots.
  • Shikaki promotes hair growth
  • Shikakai powder prevents dandruff

Pure Natural Skikakai powder has a unique formula for revitalizing the hair. The herbal Amla and Shikakai powder provides your hair with natural nourishment resulting in naturally luxurious and healthy hair. Shikakai is a natural herbal powder derived from the fruit ofthe Acacia Concinna tree. It has been used for centuries as a hair cleanser. Because of its amazing benefits for the hair the name Shikakai literally means fruit for the hair. Amla is the name given to the fruit of a small leafy tree(EmblicaOfficinalis) which grows through out India and bears an edible fruit. This fruit is highly prized both for its high vitamin C content and for the precious oil which is extracted from its seeds and pulp and used as a treatment for hair and scalp problems. It is an excellent natural hair cleanser. Used as a hair wash in lieu of soaps & shampoos, it promotes lustrous hair growth, removes dandruff and strengthens hair roots.

The fruit pods, leaves and bark of Acacia Concinna are dried, powdered and made into a paste at home. While this paste does not produce the normal amount oflatherthat a regular shampoo would, it is a good cleanser. It has a natural low pH, 低PH, is extremely mild,  and doesn't strip hair of naturaloils., Usually no rinse orconditioneris used since shikakai also acts as a detangler. , It is also used to combat dandruff .

Regular use of natural hair wash enhances elasticity and shine of your hair leaving them healthy and luxurious.The benefits of Shikakai are extracted from the pods of shrub botanically referred to as Acacia Concinna. It is found to be growing in abundance in the hot, dry climates of Central Asia and the Far East. The pods of this plant are distinctive on account of the fact that they are rich in soponins which are the foam forming substances. Soponins are traditionally known to be mild detergents and as marine poisons often used to kill the fish. Interestingly soponins from the bark of Shikakai plant have potent spermicidal effects and serve as effective birth control remedy.

Shikakai pods have been used traditionally by the Indians for washing hair and for bath. They can either be ground into powder or paste and applied on hair. Else they can be soaked overnight in water and subsequently boiled and cooled for washing. Soponins are natural cleansers and function without striping the scalp of its natural oils. They are mild and have low pH. They are special because besides cleansing they simultaneously serve as excellent conditioners and detangler. The term Shikakai translates into 'fruit for the hair' on account of its wholesome superior qualities. A wash with water in which Shikakai nuts/pods have been soaked removes oil and dirt from the hair, promotes hair growth besides leaving the head hair sans of fungal infections.

Use of Shikakai especially in the summer months helps keep body cool and keeps the scalp moist. It can be used alongside henna and amla powder overnight in a iron container or utensil and applied on hair for 2 hours before rinsing. It has been found better than any expensive artificial color or conditioners sold in the market. Shikakai is the natural astringent for the hair giving it the necessary bounce and vigor.

The leaves of Shikakai plant are acrid and are used by local people to make chutneys, to treat dandruff and keep the skin off diseases and detrimental effects of pollution of various kinds. An excellent remedy to keep wrinkles at bay is. Soak 2-3 pods of Shikakai in a bowl or glass of water and wash your face in the morning with the decocted water.


Shikakai + Amla Powder = Great Hair

Shikakai powder made by Hesh.

The claim: Dirt buster for your scalp. Shikakai is a natural astringent for the hair and it will clear away any dirt or product build up on the hair and scalp.

Amla powder made by Hesh.

The claim: Dark and healthy hair naturally. Amla is both a natural astringent and skin toner. The powder promotes black and luxuriant hair and controls hair loss, stimulates the hair roots, and promotes hair growth.

Both boxes direct you to add a little bit of water to make a paste, then massage onto your hair and scalp, and leave it on for 45 minutes.I DID NOT FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS!Instead, I mixed 1 heaping tablespoon on shikakai powder with 2 heaping tablespoons of amla powder together in a tall plastic cup, then I added 8 oz. of hot water to add in the mixing process. After that I added some cold water to help cool it off. I slipped an old knee high over the top of the cup to act as a filter just in case all the powder dissolve properly. Finally I was ready to use my mixture, that somewhat resembled chocolate milk. I headed to the shower and rinsed my hair like normal, allowing my hair to be fully saturated. Then I poured the mixture over my hair and scalp, focusing on the ends of my hair and my scalp. Once I was all out of the mixture I rinsed it out with warm water for a few minutes making sure it was all out and proceeded to condition and deep condition my hair.

Likes:Immediately after rinsing out the mix my hair felt clean, which I really wasn't expecting. Once I was completely done my hair felt soft and strong, just like it normally does. There wasn't a big difference in the feeling of my hair afterwards. However, I lost a lot less strands during the washing process.

Dislikes:I got some in my eye and thought I was going to die! So take special care to not get it in your eyes. A few hours later I cleaned my ears with a q-tip and it was brown! At first I was freaked out, but then I remember the mixture was brown and that's what it was from. So remember to clean it out your ears before heading out the house.

Final word:I will continue to do this and see if it truly makes any difference in my hair.

*Tip: You should use a regular shampoo whether its a shikakai bar or commercial shampoo every 4 weeks if you plan to do this.









atTuesday, February 05, 2008  

Key words:Hair Product Review


3 two cents:


I am in the process of going natural and have been doing a lot of research on natural shampoos, conditioners and various hair care products. Part of my research has included both Shikakai and Amla Powder. So your blog was perfect for me.

More than half of my hair is still relaxed. Is this product recommended for people in transition (from relaxed to natural)? Also, where did you purchase your products from? Do you have any other recommendations for products for black hair? Thanks for this information, it is really helpful!

March 17, 2008 10:17 AM The Anti Hair Slavesaid...

Charlotte Girl, all of my hair is relaxed/texlaxed. I think you can still use these products to clean natural hair. The shikakai is the cleanser while the amla is for making the hair soft. I got my indian products from my local indian grocery store, if you don't have one check out the link for my amazon store, its there.

March 17, 2008 11:35 AM Anonymous said...

I mix dry shekakai,amla & ritha in iron bowl of hot water and keep it aside for one day and wash hair next day. It helps my hair to grow longer,stronger and my dark brown hair is now shiny black. while washing - brittle hair falls off. so do not disappoint. use hair oil if you feel dryness. Use glove to avoid staining of hands while hair wash with this black solution.
be patient to get excellent result
























































































































