加工定制: | 是 |
品牌: | 鑫立 |
型号: | YTS-I21 |
额定电流: | 16 |
定时范围: | 15分钟-24小时 |
环境温度: | -25~65 |
壳体材质: | PC阻燃 |
导电体材质: | 磷铜 |
产品认证: | CEROHS |
额定电压: | 220-240 |
1. 将常通开关拨到下面,露出“圆圈”位置,此时定时功能开。
2. 校对当前时刻。顺时针旋转刻度盘,让箭头指向当前时刻。
3. 拨动插片设置程序。每个插片为15分钟,按到最下面时该段时间设置为接通。
4. 把本定时器插入电源,表示定时器进入工作状态,再把用电器插头插入定时器插座,打开用电器开关即可。
- Turn the switch to“”to enable the timing function.
- Adjust current time,and then turn the dial clockwise to make the arrowhead point at the position of current time.
- Set up timing program by pulling patches.Each of the patches indicates 15 minutes power on or off. The timer powers on when the patch stays outmost side.
- Plug in then the timer is working.Plug the electrical appliance into the timer and power it on.
The current time is 8:00 am,and you want the electrical appliance to work from 10:15 am to 11:00 am.First,turn the dial clockwise to make the arrowhead point at 9:00 am.Then pull out the three patches between 10:15 am to 11:00 am to outmost position(see the picture).The plugged in electrical appliances can work from 10:15 am to 11:00 am automatically.You can program the automatically.
Turn the switch back to“I”to disable the timing function and power on the timer.
※The total power of the electrical appliances connected the the timer can not exceed the timer’s rated power capability.
※Readjust current time if power of the timer turns off.
※The timing program keeps unchanged unless setup changes.
※Do not dismantle the back cover from the timer.