类型:- | 主电机功率:9.74(kw) | 最大磨削尺寸:3-50(mm) |
控制形式:人工 | 布局形式:卧式 | 产品类型:全新 |
是否库存:是 | 型号:M215A |
High precision preloaded dual-V rolling guideways are used to provide good rigidity.
Equipped with high speed and high power electric spindle powered by static frequency convertor,featuring low energy consumption and low noise.
3-roller system is used in feed mechanism which is controlled hydrau-lically,thus providing high accuracy.
With the face grinding attachment,perpendicularity of the endface to the bore after grinding can guaranteed.
机床主要规格参数 Technical Specifications of the Machines
磨削孔径 Bore Dia Ground(mm) | ?3~?50 | |
最大磨削深度 Max.Grinding Depth(mm) | 80 | |
工件旋径Swing of Workpiece | 罩内 Inside Guard(mm) | ?180 |
罩外 Outside Guard(mm) | ?220 | |
床头最大回转角度 Max.Swivel of Workhead(°) | 30 | |
工件转速 Work Speed(r/min) | 280,400,560,800 | |
砂轮转速 Wheel Speed(r/min) | 1600~24000 18000~60000 | |
机床总功率 Total Power(kw) | 9.74 | |
工件电机功率 Work Motor(kw) | 0.45/0.75 | |
砂轮电机功率 Wheel Motor(kw) | 1~2 | |
机床外形尺寸 Overall Dimensions(mm) | 1580×1450×1560 | |
机床重量 Machine Weight(kg) | 2500 | |
端磨 Face Grinding Attachment | 最大端磨外径 Max.OD of Endface Grinding(mm) | ?150 |
砂轮转速 Wheel Speed(mm) | 8000 | |
工作精度Working Accuracy | 内孔圆度 Bore Roundness(mm) | 0.003 |
内孔圆柱度 Cylindricity of Bore(mm) | 0.003 | |
内孔尺寸分散 Size Deviation of Bore(mm) | s | |
内孔表面粗糙度 Surface Roughness of Bore(μm) | Ra0.63 | |
端面平面度(平或凹) Flatness of Endface(flat or concave)(mm) | 0.002 | |
端在粗糙度 Surface Roughness of Endface(μm) | Ra1.25 |