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USB 56k Fax Modem
USB 56k Fax Modem
产 品: USB 56k Fax Modem 
单 价: 42.00元/台 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-05-28  有效期至:长期有效
  即时询单  立即购买  加入购物车
品牌:中性 型号:conexant 类型:桌面型MODEM
安装方式:外置 接口类型:USB 传输速率:56K
OEM:可OEM 质保:一年



   此产品型号:USB FAX MODEM ,采用原装CONEXANT芯片.速度快,不掉线.支持传真..支持V.92协议..






本公司长期生产FAX MODEM等网络产品.量大价优.具有极大市场优势..


  • Controller-based modem, no external memory required
  • V.92, V.34 and V.32bis options: V.92 includes Quick Connect, Modem-on-Hold and PCM Upstream
  • V.29 FastPOS and V.22 Fast Connect for Point-of-Sale applications
  • SIA Protocol for Security Equipment
  • V.17/V.29 Fax Class 1/1.0 Support (Fax Class 2 support coming soon)
  • Caller-ID Type 1, Caller-ID Type 2, Caller-ID Type 2 snooping detection and decoding
  • V.44/V.42bis and MNP5 data compression
  • V.42 and MNP2-4 error correction
  • V.80 sync access mode, synchronous and asynchronous DTE interface
  • Supports code patching through SRAM or NVRAM
  • 27 MHz and 28.224 MHz crystal or clock input support
  • Comes in 20-pin QFN 6x6mm packaging
  • Uses Conexant SmartDAA 4 CX20548-11Z in a 16-pin QFN 4x4mm package
  • Worldwide support



    CX93010 UCMxx USB V.92/V.32bis Controllered Modem with CX20548 SmartDAA
    1-2 Conexant Proprietary and Confidential Information 102627D
    The CX93010 USB Modem integrates modem controller (MCU), modem data pump
    (MDP), ROM, RAM, and SmartDAA system side device (SSD) functions onto a single
    Low profile, small QFN packages and reduced voltage operation with low power
    consumption make this device set an ideal solution for V.92 modem USB adapters.
    The modem operates by executing firmware from internal ROM and RAM. Customized
    modem firmware and added/modified country profiles can be executed from internal
    SRAM or serial EEPROM.
    In V.92 and V.90 data modes, the modem can receive data at speeds up to 56 kbps from a
    digitally connected V.92-compatible central site modem. A V.92 modem takes advantage
    of the PSTN which is primarily digital except for the client modem to central office local
    loop and are ideal for applications such as remote access to an Internet Service Provider
    (ISP), on-line service, or corporate site. In this mode, the modem can transmit data at
    speeds up to V.34 rates.
    In V.34 data mode, the modem operates at line speeds up to 33.6 kbps.
    In V.32bis data mode, the modem operates at lines speeds up to 14.4 kbps.
    Data compression (V.44/V.42bis/MNP 5) and error correction (V.42/MNP 2-4) modes
    are supported to maximize data throughput and data transfer integrity. V.44 is a more
    efficient data compression than V.42bis that significantly increases downstream
    throughput thus reducing the download time for the types of files associated with Internet
    use, such as Web pages and uncompressed files such as graphics, image, audio, and
    document files. V.44 data compression can achieve compression rates of more than 25%
    over V.42bis. Typical compression ratio for V.44 on Web type data is approximately 6-1
    resulting in overall effective data throughput rate up to 300 kbps for a 56 kbpsconnection.
    V.44 data compression is not limited to the DTE rate since USB operates at
    12 Mbps. Non-error-correcting mode is also supported.
    In V.22bis fast connect mode, the modem can connect at 2400 bps with a very short
    training time, which is very efficient for small data transfers.
    Fax Group 3 send and receive rates are supported up to 14.4 kbps with T.30 protocol.
    V.80 synchronous access mode supports host-controlled communication protocols, e. g.,
    H.324 video conferencing.
    In TAM mode, enhanced 2-bit or 4-bit per sample coding schemes at 8 kHz sample rate
    provide flexible format compatibility and allows efficient digital storage of voice/audio.
    Also supported are 8-bit A-law, μ-law, and linear coding and IMA 4-bit ADPCM coding.
    This mode supports applications such as digital telephone answering machine, voice
    annotation, and recording from and playback to the telephone line.
    In-band digital call progress enables the user to hear the call progress during modem
    negotiation. This software-enhanced feature eliminates several external components
    including an amplifier and a digital speaker. In-band digital call progress contributes to
    lower BOM cost and smaller PCB size.
    This data sheet describes the modem capabilities. Commands and parameters for the
    modem are defined in the Commands Reference Manual (Doc. No. 102752).




