项目 内容参数
照度 lllumimance: 80000-180000Lux, 80000-180000Lux
色温 Color temperature: 4500±250K
光斑直径 Spot diamteter: 160-280(mm)
照射深度lllumimance depth: ≥1200(mm)
亮度调节 Bringhtness contuol: 十档连续调光
术者头部温升 Temperature operator head: ≤2°
电压 Power supply voltage: -220V 50HZ
输入功率 lnput power: 400w
灯泡功率 Bulb of power: 24V 150/150W
主副灯自动切换Automatic switchover Between the key and backupbulbs: 0.2(S)
显色指数 Color rend-ering index: ≥97%
六维关节 Six-dimensional joint: 360°
安装高度 Mounting height: 2750-3100(mm)