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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 【KeXing】棒碳密度大 燃烧时间长 热值高机制木炭
【KeXing】棒碳密度大 燃烧时间长 热值高机制木炭
【KeXing】棒碳密度大 燃烧时间长 热值高机制木炭
产 品: 【KeXing】棒碳密度大 燃烧时间长 热值高机制木炭 
单 价: 5.00元/千克 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-06-20  有效期至:长期有效
  即时询单  立即购买  加入购物车
新奇创意项目:不报名 水分:4(%) 灰分:5(%)
规格:37-40(mm) 种类:烧烤炭 发热量:8000(kcal/kg)
固定炭含量:90%-94% 产地:河南 焦作






Charcoal 木炭 机制木炭






     机制木炭因为经过高压高温,所以密度很大,是一般木材的23倍,也是自然木炭的3倍左右!更是泥煤、焦炭的45倍!相当于无烟煤的比重(无烟煤13501800千克/立方米)!虽然我国煤炭资源丰富,但高硫份、高灰份的煤炭较多,而低硫份、低灰份的煤炭较少。比如我国动力煤平均灰份为28-30%,煤炭中的含硫量也很高,全国平均为1-1.2%,南部地区普遍高达4%以上。这些煤炭如果不加处理即直接燃用,就会产生严重的二氧化硫和烟尘污染。而机制木炭更本解决了这个问题,它所含的灰份仅少于5%,发热量也能达到7000-8000大卡/KG!机制木炭在炭化窑里炭化的过程中,已经把大部分有害物质燃烧,分解了!所以机制木炭具有比重大(密度高)、热值高、成本低、使用方便、清洁卫生等优点,便于贮存和运输,是居民生活、取暖和工业生产用能,可替代煤炭等,燃烧后的固体(灰粉)排放量低于煤炭,减少了废渣排放,也比较方便处理,基本没有环境污染问题;气体排放指标大大优于国家气体排放标准。 机制木炭的市场广阔。饭店、工厂、农业、畜牧业、冶金、环保、实验等。



    机制木炭.又名机制炭,薪棒、人造炭、再生炭、无烟清洁炭,是以木质碎料挤压加工成的炭质棒状物.源于日本,产品称"木力亏仆",后经台湾传入大陆.英文译名为"machine--made charcoal".棒炭原料来源广泛,稻壳、花生壳、棉壳、玉米芯、玉米秆、高粱秆、豆秆、锯末、木屑、刨花、松粒壳、椰子壳等皆可用作原料生产棒炭,以锯末、刨花、竹屑、稻壳为最佳。棒炭市场广阔。饭店用作烧烤用炭,棒炭密度是木炭的3倍以上,燃烧无烟,工业上,棒炭用于生产二硫化炭和钢铁冶炼。棒炭还用作锅炉的补充燃料,它的密度与煤相近,热值5500--7000大卡/KG,但灰份明显低于煤炭。 






    机制木炭的技术指导: 经多年的实践和潜心钻研总结出了全套机制木炭加工技术。




     1. Metallurgical industry
     Previously used for smelting iron ore, charcoal on charcoal and coke smelting of iron, even if the same chemical composition, structure and mechanical properties are still the same. Charcoal smelting of pig iron generally has fine structure, casting tight, no cracks in the characteristics of the production of pig iron using charcoal containing impurities less suitable for producing high quality steel. As the charcoal is reductive, so can be used to restore the metallurgical industry ore smelting metal.
In the non-ferrous metal production, charcoal is often used as surface flux, when the non-ferrous metal melting, the surface flux in the molten metal surface protective layer, so that separation of metals and gases, can reduce the loss of molten metal splash, but also reduce the melting material in gas saturation.
A large number of charcoal is also used to produce crystalline silicon, crystalline silicon used in charcoal production should not contain too many students head and charcoal ash.
     2. Carburizing agent manufacturing
     All requirements of high surface hardness and wear resistance, good toughness and the center of all steel products should be cementite. Carburizing of steel products used to carry out the role of carbon compounds known as carburizing agent. Carburizing pure charcoal less effective. Therefore, charcoal used as a raw material, then add a certain amount of contact with agents, made of carburizing agent.
     3. Disulfide production..
     Charcoal is the manufacture of carbon disulfide in the best raw materials used to produce carbon disulfide in the charcoal, should be hard, great volume, ash and moisture content in small, fixed carbon content.
Produce about 1 ton of carbon disulfide, 0.5 tons of charcoal.
     4. Charcoal brick repression
     Crushed charcoal transport is very convenient, but use is restricted, with the suppression of the value of charcoal bricks in the way that it can become a high-quality small pieces of charcoal fuel. Charcoal bricks with water absorption and water absorption of small, heavy, and the advantages of high calorific value, but also in the process of using a high mechanical strength. Burning off burning charcoal bricks in a smoke-free, does not produce carbon dust. Charcoal brick can be used for metallurgy, such as mobile gasifier.
     Mechanism charcoal, we normally referred to as charcoal, charcoal regeneration, artificial carbon, green charcoal, charcoal and other smoke-free. First developed by the Japanese machine-made charcoal, the product called "wood strength loss servant", after the journey to Taiwan before coming to the mainland!
     What is the mechanism of charcoal like? The outline is usually about 5 cm in diameter square, hexagonal and round three, the length can be any interception, usually 8-50 cm long, the middle of a small hole, side ventilation with! Mechanism of charcoal is usually used in the original wood and bamboo cuttings, by special rods for high pressure extrusion molding machine, of course, is the use of raw materials before using the dryer drying to moisture content below 10% only! Many people think that rice husk, peanut shell, corn cob, corn stalks, sorghum stalks, etc. can also be fired into carbon, is yes, with these materials can be compressed into bars, can not be carbonized into charcoal! Why?
     Because these materials contained in the fiber structure and different elements are different, making the remaining ash after use a lot of value is very low burning, fire is not big enough!
     Mechanism charcoal because after high pressure high temperature, so much the density is generally 2 to 3 times the timber is about 3 times the natural charcoal! Is peat, coke 4 to 5 times! Equivalent to the proportion of anthracite (Anthracite 1350 ~ 1800 kg / cubic meter)! Although rich in coal resources, but high sulfur and high ash coal more, while low-sulfur, low ash coal less. Example, the average Chinese steam coal ash is 28% -30%, the sulfur content of coal is also high, the national average of 1-1.2%, in the southern region in general as much as 4%. The coal that is, if not addressed directly to fuel use,
Will cause serious pollution of sulfur dioxide and soot. The mechanism of charcoal also the solution of this problem, it contains only less than 5% ash, the heat can reach 7000-8000 kcal / KG! Mechanism of carbonized charcoal kiln in the process of carbonization, has the most harmful substances in combustion, decomposition of the! So has the proportion of machine-made charcoal (high density), high heat value, low cost, easy to use, clean the advantages of easy storage and transport, is living, heating and industrial production, energy use, and can replace coal, combustion solid (ash) emissions than coal
Reduction of waste emissions, but also easier to handle, little environmental pollution; gas emission targets much better than the national gas emission standards.
Mechanism charcoal vast market. Hotels, factories, agriculture, animal husbandry, metallurgy, environmental protection and experiment!




