材质: | 铝合金壳体 | 产地: | 湖南株洲联动 |
轮距: | 970~1400(mm) | 适用车型: | 高尔夫球车、多座观光车、农用车、运输车、打猎车等 |
本系列桥均采用本公司专利(专利号: )高低档变速装置,可在行进中自由换档,解决了现有产品不能兼顾速度与爬坡能力的缺点,具有如下特性:
1、 高速:高档用于普通路面行驶,让车辆跑得更快;
2、 爬坡性能好:低档用于爬坡、起步和重载,让车辆获得最大的驱动力矩,轻松爬坡;
3、 节能:电机可始终处于高效率范围内运转,节省能源;
4、 延寿:由于减少了起步和爬坡的大电流冲击,保护电机和蓄电池,可延长使用寿命;
5、 续航里程大:由于节能,可以延长二次充电的续航里程。
适用电机功率:3~10 KW
差速器:本公司专利差速器(专利号: )
噪声:400mm处不大于62 dBA
Two Speed Front and Rear Axles Series for Electric Vehicle
This series front and rear axles, adopted the company’s own patent(Patent No. )high-low shift equipment, may shifted freely during the vehicle is running, are the solutions for electric vehicle which could not be given consideration to speed and gradability at the same time with current traditional axles.
- High speed: High shift used for vehicle ordinary road runing to attain required speed;
- Better gradability: Low shift used for climbing, starting and heavy load to attain enough torgue.
- Energy saving: The motor always running at high-efficicent area;
- Longer the life: Big current strike may be avoided to protect the motor and battery to attain better life;
- Better distance per charge: Distance per charge may increase by 20% from energy saving.