品牌:丰彩(CHR0MOINK) | 型号:UV光固化墨水 | 颜色:7色 |
适用品牌型号:惠普,威斯特,雅色兰,泰威,彩神,力宇,飞图,赛博,东川,AGFA,DGI,富士等 | 墨盒容量:1000ML | 填充性:可填充 |
售后类型:全国联保 |
丰彩UV墨水,不含挥发性有机溶剂,超低粘度,无刺激性气味,可确保墨水在喷射印刷过程中无堵塞喷头现象,经八个月高温储存试验,无颜料凝聚、下沉、分层等异常现象。UV墨水即喷即干,可与目前市场上使用的各种型号的喷头UV平板喷绘机匹配。UV墨水适合于喷印金属板、玻璃、陶瓷、木板、地板、墙纸、PC、PVC、ABS等材料。固化后的墨层高硬度,附着力强,耐擦洗、耐溶剂、高光泽。UV墨水现有C、M、Y、K和LC、LM、白,7色,耐晒级别8级。包装1升/桶;5升/桶。 适用柯尼卡512,精工,东芝,Spectra等喷头的UV平板喷绘机。
1, 无非发性有机物,即100%纯UV
2, 低耗能
3, 低废品率
4, 快速固化
5, 无有害空气污染物
6, 无有害添加剂,重金属,有ROHS证明
7, 适合材料广泛
8, 不堵塞喷头
9, 色域广
UV Curable Inkjet Ink
UV inks are the fastest growing ink segment in the digital market. It’s much more beneficial comparing to water and solvent based inks. Some of the drivers for this phenomenal growth include their “green” aspect of no VOCs and low energy consumption for curing, as well as low scrap rate. UV inks also show good color gamut with excellent light fastness. UV Inkjet Ink is the upmost environmental friendly printing process in the market.
- §Suitable for printing onto wide range of materials
- §Rapid Curing
- §Wide Color Gamut
- §No Clogging of Printheads
- §Excellent Light Fastness & Abrasion Resistance
- §100% Solid UV Curing Ink
- §No VOCs Emission
- §No Hazardous Air Pollutants / No Heavy Metals
- §Low Energy Consumption
- §Low Scrap Rates
Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Black, Lt. Magenta, Lt. Cyan, White, Gloss
Item No. | Ink Type | Color | Application | Package |
INUP | UV Curable Ink | 8 | Konica / Toshiba Printhead | 1 / 5 / 20L |
ISUP | Spectra Printhead | |||
ICO-SUV | Cleaner | N/A | Konica / Spectra / Toshiba Printhead |
The ink should not be stored in direct sunlight or stored near heat sources and should be kept away from peroxides. For maximum shelf life purpose, storage temperatures should be under room temperature.