适用物料:通用 | 生产能力:500-600(kg/h) | 进料粒度≤:详见说明(mm) |
出料粒度:详见说明(mm) | 粉碎程度:超细磨机 | 原理:涡轮粉碎机 |
The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC, PE andiil, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charact eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency.
The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC,PE andill, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charract eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency.
The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC, PE andiil, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charact eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency.
The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC,PE andill, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charract eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency.
This factory absorbs both domestic and abroad advanced technology to research and develop series of grinders.The PVC plastic for low to medium hardness,high density PE or other plastics succeed in trial grinding.It is evidenced by practices and operation of plastic manufacturing factories that the chemical and physical properties of the products can keep updated indexes unchanged and the output can be increased to 300kg if 20-30% calcium carbonate can be added in grinded materials during processing ,so this equipment is the optimal device of the plastic manufacturing factories to reduce this cost and solve waste accumulation.
磨盘直径 | 460mm |
主机电机功率 | 30KW |
主轴直径 | ¢70mm |
齿数 | 660-1440个 |
转鼓转速 | 3900转/分 |
外型尺寸 | 2500*3000*4000mm |
适用范围 | 适用于PE、ABS、PS、PPS等物料 |
产量 | 40目-80目100KG-200KG |
工作原理 | 水循环冷却为主,风冷为辅 |