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Wide gamut of 2,058 solid colors
Ink mixing formulas and sRGB values
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新版goe色彩除了提供扇形式的光面铜版纸和胶版纸版本,亦备有Goe Sticks色片【Goe Sticks chips】以确保在世界各地均可准确地沟通Goe色彩.象邮票一般的色票背附黏贴性,不再需要穿孔.修剪涂胶或以透明胶纸将它们黏牢!Goe Sticks提供额外工具包括,用以测试颜色调色板的调色板游乐场『palette playgrounds』和用以提议和分享调色板的调色卡.是平面设计师、印前工序专业人士和市场营销人员的必备工具书。(可独立选购补充页) 适用于:广告、设计、出版、印刷、包装、塑胶、电子、玩具、礼品、印染品、箱包、鞋业、橡胶、化工涂料、陶瓷、工艺制造等行业使用。产品特点 :
Chromatically arranged color families
Ten Mixing Bases used to create Goe Colors
Colors printed with uniform ink film thicknesses using inks receptive to coatings
Intuitive naming system
Printed publications, digital and Web components
Color selection and palette building tools
Compatible with the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM®
Expanded range of solid colors choices
Easy to locate desired colors by chromatic arrangement or number
Inks are easily controlled onpress for matching color
Color data provided enables recreation onpress, onscreen or the Web
Guide, chips or software formats offer flexible color selection options
Expanded color choices when selecting from both the Goe and PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM