1. Company Identification |
公司标识 |
产品名称: 阻燃剂 TBC
化学名称: 三(2,3-二溴丙基)异氰酸酯
分 子 量: 729
Suppler:QiBo Chemicals Co., Ltd
Add: Shi Jiazhuang , Hebei , China.
Telephone Number:13831176119、86-311-85216112、86-769-86998767
2. Hazards Identification |
危害性鉴定 |
Hazardous Ingredients:None
紧急情况综述:The summary of urgent situations 腐蚀性: 无Corrosion: none
潜在安全影响: The impact of potential security对眼睛:无刺激 The eyes: No stimulation 对皮肤 : 无刺激 The skin: No stimulation 分解气体吸入后 : 高温分解后的气体, 对呼吸系统 有刺激性,应避免吸入。 After inhaling: Pyrolysising gas, irritating the system of respiratory, we should avoid inhaling. 慢性中毒 : 无
Poisoning chronically: none
Physical Hazards: No
3. First Aid Measures |
急救措施 |
4. Handling And Storage |
操作处置与储存 |
5.Stability and reactivity |
稳定性和反应活性 |
稳定性:常温常压下稳定 Stability: It is stable under normal temperature and pressure 禁配物:添加色母、玻纤、无机填充物、碱性助剂等对阻燃性能有不同程度影响。 Something that can not be match with: masterbatch with color 、 glass fiber 、 inorganic filler 、 alkaline additives, all of these may affect the flame-retardant properties at varying degrees. 分解产物:一氧化碳,二氧化碳,溴化氢 Decomposited products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide ,Hydrogen bromide
6. Physical And Chemical Properties |
理化特性 |
Appearance:Paragraph-like particles
Smell: None
Melting point:105-115℃
Decomposition temperature:≥230℃
密度:1.395 g/cm3
Density: 1.395 g/cm3
7. Toxicological Information |
毒理学资料 |
LC50 :无资料 No Data 亚急性和慢性毒性: Sub-acute and chronic toxicity 致癌性:无资料 Carcinogenicity: No Data 流行病性 : 无 Epidemic: none 致畸性 : 无资料 Teratogenicity: No Data 神经毒性 : 无资料 Neurotoxicity: No Data 诱变性 : 无资料 Mutagenicity: No Data
8. Ecological Information |
生物学资料 |
生态毒理毒性:无资料 Eco-toxicological toxicity : No Data 生物降解性:无资料 Biodegradability : No Data 非生物降解性:无资料 Non-biodegradable : No Data 生物富集或生物积累性:无资料 Bioconcentration or bioaccumulation : No Data 其它有害作用:无资料 Other harmful effects : No Data
9. Disposal Considerations |
废弃处理 |
Please deal with pollutants properly according to the local laws and regulations.
10. Transport Information |
运输信息 |
Packing method:Woven bag or kraft paper bag attached polyethylene endometrium bag packaging tightly.
运输注意事项:起运时包装要完整,装载应稳妥。防曝晒、雨淋,防高温。 Transport Notes: The package should be complete when we begin to transport and loading should be secure. The package should be anti-sun, rain,and anti-high temperature.
11. Regulatory Information |
法规信息 |
Whether there is a need to mark hazard symbols: No need 是否需要在标签上标明有害成分:不需要。
Whether there is a need to mark hazardous component(s) on the label: No need 是否有国家限制性规定:没有 Whether there are national restrictions : No 其他规定:不适用。 Other Regulations: Not applied
12. Other Information |
其他信息 |
以上所述信息无任何担保、证书,是齐博化工有限公司认为最准确的信息。这些信息是通过最为可信的渠道获得的。对上述信息的使用不做任何法律责任的承诺。我们鼓励顾客对产品进行测试,并且在使用前阅读产品标签 The above information without any security and certificate, which is the most accurate information of QiBo Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. This information is obtained through the most credible sources. The company does not bear any legal responsibility for the use of the information and confidence .We encourage our customers to test products, and read the product label before use.