印刷速度:3600(张/小时) | 印版形式:柔版 | 加工定制:是 |
重量:12000(kg) | 型号:ZSYC | 适用对象:纸箱 |
类别:水性印刷 | 适用材质:纸板 | 品牌:齐盛 |
产品类型:全新 | 印刷颜色:双色 | 承印物厚度范围:1-12(mm) |
属性:属性值 |
自动送纸印刷开槽机是针对纸箱厂原有的链条送纸的纸箱印刷开槽机械无法连续大批量生产所研发生产的连续输纸设备,从而改善人工单张送纸连续送纸,保证纸板走正,不但提高工作效率,而且大副降低工人劳动强度,又降低废品率。Automatic paper feeder is a constantly paper feeding device researched and produced for incontinuous mass production of the carton box printer, molding machine and die-cutter of the old chain paper feeding in carton box factory. This can improve manually incontinuous paper feeding and ensure the straight paper feeding, which not only raise working efficiency, but also reduce the labor strength and waste rate.
Main specifications:
型号(单位:mm)Model (Unit:mm) 1400*2600
最大推纸高度 推纸器间距-200mm
Maximum height of pushing paper pusher spacing-200mm
最小过纸高度 270 mm
Minimum height of pushing paper
最大进纸尺寸Maximum feeding size 1400*2600
最小进纸尺寸Minimum feeding size 300*300
最大印幅尺寸Maximum printing breadth 1350*2200
最大开槽尺寸Maximum grooving size 7*350
最小开槽间距Minimum grooving clearance 100
开槽刀厚度Grooving blade thickness 7
标准印刷版厚度Standard printing plate thickness 7
最高机械速度(张/分)Maximum mechanical speed (sheets/min) 0- 70
The Dual-color exterior dimension L*W*H 5500*3600*2500
Automatic Paper feeding section
- 纸板尺寸调节采用丝杆调整机构,一人操作,简易快速。
Cardboard size adjustment adopts screw roller adjusting system, one man operating, simple and fast.
- 方便可调码纸台,更好地适应各种纸板,而且送纸稳定准确。
Available for adjustable paper platform, more adaptable for kinds of cardboard, stable and precise paper feeding.
- 进纸皮带采用优质橡胶无缝带,摩擦力大,寿命长,低噪音,易保养,经济效益高。Adopts advanced seamless rubber strap, which has big friction, long life, low voice, easy maintenance and high economic efficiency.
- 双张力控制,方便可靠。Double stretch power control, convenient and reliable.
- 传动轴采用花纹辊,增加与输纸皮带的摩擦,保证纸板输送顺畅高速。
Transmission roll adopts decorative design roll, which increase the friction between strap and roll, ensure stable and fast cardboard feeding.
- 本机具有电磁离合器分离制动机构。
This machine includes electric and magnetic clutch separating brake system.
- 本机电器采用PLC自动程序控制,自动化程度高.
This machine adopts PLC auto program control, so it has high automatic extent.
- 变频器驱动电机,实现调速运转稳定.
Frequency converter drives motor to realize stable velocity change operating.
- 光电信号通过PLC控制电磁离合制动,实现与主机同步.
Light and electric signal brakes by PLC control power and magnetic clutch to keep pace with the main engine.
n 送纸部Paper feeding section
– 自动链条送纸Automation chain paper feed
– 靠山定位,保证送纸准确。The prop fixes position , ensures that paper feed is accurate.
– 自动计数Automatic counting.
n 印刷部Printing section
– 行星传动、电动相位,动、静态状况下任意360°调节。Planetary transmission and electrical positioning. 360-degree adjustment in both dynamic and static condition.
– 机器停车时,网纹辊自行脱离印版表面。The embossing rollers get apart from printing template once machine stops.
– 上墨胶辊自动空转系统,机械转动时油墨不致干涸。The upper ink roller is equipped with load-free system that prevents ink from getting dried when machine is running.
– 可任意组合一到四色。Colors of 1 to 4 can be combined easily.
– 气动自吸式供墨循环系统。The pneumatic provides ink circulatory system from attracting style.
– 有照明系统,方便夜间行车。Top-quality paper separating and grooving blades are used.
– 印刷辊装有快速挂版装置。Printing roller equipped with a rapid hang mould device.
– 装卸印刷版可脚踏开关电动控制正反版。Step pedal is used to control the side of printing plate when in mounting and dismounting.
n 开槽部Slotting section
– 开槽相位360°电动调整。360-degree electromotion adjustment of grooving position.
– 开槽刀四刀联动。the four grooving blades linkage adjustment.
– 选用优质锯齿型开槽刀片,保证开槽光洁度。Top-quality steel blades are used to ensure slotting smoothness.
– 齿轮45#钢锻件,高频粹火Gear wheel adopt 45 # steel forging , quenching of high frequency.
– 传动齿轮免键连接,保证长期印刷精度。Non-bonds transmission gears are joined together, which ensures long-term printing precision.
– 浸油润滑,保证使用长期寿命。Dip-in lubrication ensures long life usage.
– 印刷部、开槽部机组电动移位,气动锁紧。Electromotion shifting and pneumatic locking is used on printing and grooving parts.
n 电器件采用国际和国内知名品牌,确保机器运行稳定.
Electric parts adopt international and domestic famous brand to ensure the stable motion