外观:-- | 分类:直接混纺染料 | CAS:-- |
保质期:--(个月) | 强度:100(分) | 品牌:闰土 |
执行标准:-- | 名称:直接蓝 D-R | 染料索引号:-- |
色光:-- |
直接染料染色工艺Dyeing Process of Direct Dyes
■匀染剂:雷米邦A(或净洗剂613)用量 ■Dosage for levelling agent of Leimibang A (or detergent 613)
●浅色: 1.5-2.0, g/l ●Pale: 1.5-2.0, g/l
●中色: 1.0-1.5, g/l ●Medium: 1.0-1.5, g/l
●深色: 0.5-1.0, g/l ●Deep: 0.5-1.0, g/l
■Reduce the dosage by 1/2 when using Pingpingia as a levelling agent, and add the levelling agent before dyestuff to avoid dyeing defect.
■促染剂(元明粉)的用量 ■Dosage of Accelerating agent(Na2SO4)
●浅色: 2.0-5.0, g/l ●Pale: 2.0-5.0, g/l
●中色: 5.0-10, g/l ●Medium: 5.0-10, g/l
●深色: 10-20, g/l ●Deep: 10-20, g/l
■Add the accelerating agent in the halfway of dyeing to avoid a high initial dyeing-rate, which may cause dyeing defect. Sodium Chloride can be used as an accelerating agent sometimes, but the dosage must be reduced by 1/2-1/3.
■固色处理 ■Color fixing
●固色剂用量: 0-4.0% (o.w.f.) ●Dosage of Color fixing agent: 0-4.0% (o.w.f.)
●浴比: 1:10-20 ●Bath ratio: 1:10-20
●PH(用HAC调节): 6.0 ●PH(to adjust with HAC):6.0
●温度与时间: 50℃ & 20Min. ●Temperature & Time: 50℃ & 20Min.
●Clean the floating color away from the fabrics thoroughly after dyeing. Don't fix color at an alkaline condition.