种类:针织器材 | 规格:非自动扎口型 | 型号:MF12 CHN |
品牌:圣东尼(SANTONI) |
筒径:13“ 14” 15“ 16”; 机号:24-26-28 针/英寸; 喂啥路数: 12路喂纱; 机器动力:非接触式马达; 电子控制:DINEMA集成电路板串行控制,防止电路短路;该机器符合CE和UL标准.等
MF12 CHN Brief : Twelve feeds single jersey electronic circular knitting machine with the mechanical take-down device, with one point selection for the feed of the knitting. The machine consent the production of the body-size underwear, outwear, swimwear and sportswear, with the possibility to realize the sponge.
Diameters :13" 14" 15" 16"; Machine gauge:npi.24-26-28; Number of feeds:12 for every diameter; Machine operation:Brushless motor ; Electronic controller: Electronic HIE (High Integration Electronic) with integrated Dinema circuit for the serial control to protect all out-puts from short circuit etc.