品牌:圣东尼(Santoni) | 种类:圆机 | 型号:SM8 TOP2 MP(自动扎口型) |
SM8 TOP2 MP 8路单面电子提花织机,每路2个选针点用于生产内衣,外衣,泳衣,运动服和保健织物.SANTONI专利的8路进线系列针织机能够提供高清花型,色彩缤纷的针织织物.
筒径:12"13" 14" 15" 16"17"18"20"; 机号:16-22-24-26-28-32 针/英寸; 喂纱路数: 8路喂纱; 最高转速:速度因子1430(13"最高转速110转/分)机器动力:非接触式马达和电动控制的手动转动装置;自动控制:DINEMA公司的HIE主板,防短路装置;该机器符合CE和UL标准;腰带:利用不同的选针编织单扎口或双扎口,编织或衬入橡筋的腰带等
Eight feeds single jersey electronic circular knitting machine,two needle by needle selection points on each feed,for the production of bodysize underwear,outwear, swimwear, sportswear and sanitary garments. Patented SANTONI system enabling the knitting of 8-feeds pattern with high definition and extremely sharp colors.
Diameters :12"13" 14" 15" 16"17"18"20"; Machine gauge:npi.16-22-24-26-28-32; Number of feeds:8 for every diameter; Maximum Speed:Speed factor 1430 for every diameter(13" - max. speed 110 rpm)Machine operation:Brushless motor and electonic handrive for manual movement ; Electronic : Electronic HIE (High Integration Electronic) with integrated Dinema circuit for the serial control to protect all out-puts from short circuit.etc