品牌:Santoni | 加工能力:. | 型号:SM8-TOP1MP |
种类:编织机 | 规格:. | 牵引带间距:. |
牵引带宽度:. | 牵引速度:. |
SM8 TOP1 MP 8路单面电子提花织机,每路1个选针点用于生产度身定做的内衣,外衣,泳衣,运动衣和保健织物.SANTONI专利的8路进线系列针织机能够提供高清花型,色彩缤纷的针织织物.
筒径:10"11"12"13" 14" 15" 16"; 机号:16-22-24-26-28-32 针/英寸; 最高转速:10"-11"速度因子1400(10"最高转速140转/分),12"-16"速度因子1500(13"最高转速120转/分);导纱嘴:每路7只导纱嘴,其中5只有2个工作位置;成圈三角:成圈三角由步进马达独立控制;送纱器:每路1只MEMMINGER公司的KTF橡筋送纱器,每路1只BTSR公司的KTF送纱器,8只MEMMINGER公司的LASER送纱器或8只LGL SMART SANTONI送纱器;腰带:利用不同的选针编织单层或双层,编织或衬入橡筋的腰带;纱线传感器:光电串行纱线传感器(标准配置43个,可达到56个)
Eight feeds single jersey electronic circular knitting machine,1 needle by needle selection point on each feed,for the production of bodysize underwear,outwear, swimwear, sportswear and sanitary garments. Patented SANTONI system enabling the knitting of 8-feeds pattern with high definition and extremely sharp colors.
Diameters :10"11"12"13" 14" 15" 16"; Machine gauge:npi.16-22-24-26-28-32 ; Maximum Speed:Speed factor 1400 for diameters 10"and 11"(10" - max. speed 140 rpm);Speed factor 1560 for diameters 12"to 16"(120 rpm max for 13"; Stripping yarnfingers:7 yarn fingersper feed;Stitch cams:Stitch cam adjustment by an independent step motors per feed,and with widening and shrinking possibility on the same course; Feeders:1 Memminger SFE per feed.no 10 BTSR KTF ultra feeder(two for elastic welt) and no 8 feeders LGL SMART SANTONI MEMMINSER LASER;Waist belt:Single or double with dial jacks in different selections.the elastic yarn can be knitted-in,floated or laid in; Yarn Sensors:Optical serial sensors per yarn finger(Std 43 sets-up to 56 sets)