深圳市乐华达科技有限公司是香港乐华达国际集团有限公司旗下企业之一,是专注于港行智能手机批发、触摸式液晶显示器、平板电脑生产、营销为一体的民营企业。公司生产基地位于深圳宝安亿通科技园,销售位于深圳宝安。 本着打造企业良好品牌的目标,在几年时间内,凭借强大的研发力量、严谨的生产管理经验以及“质量第一、信誉第一”的经营理念,成功地开发出一系列高品质、低价位、人性化的手机等一系列产品已全面上市,并积极承接各类OEM订单,在国内、国际的大市场里同其他国内厂家一起携手创造中国民族企业的未来。 凭着乐华达人对未来不懈的追求,将会不断完善,扩大自己的产品领域,凭借自身经验的积累,加上不断的创新,依靠一点一滴的努力和追求卓越的精神,公司将在手机、数码、显示设备、电子信息领域实现我们的理想。不断的追求,不断的创新,踏踏实实走好每一步,是乐华达公司运作的宗旨;将最好的产品不断的呈现在客户面前,是乐华达人始终坚持的目标,将以产业报国为己任,同国内外合作伙伴一起,共创辉煌的明天。 Lehuada Technology (Shenzhen) Company is a subsidiary of Hong Kong Lehuada International Group Co., Ltd. Which is dedicated to produce and sale the mobile phone. The company is Private company and locate in Shenzhen Baoan Yitong Scien-Tech Garden, The sales representatives are working in Shenzhen Futian. During these years, Lehuada Technology (Shenzhen) company depends on the powerful R&D and serious product management experience, Putting production quality and reputation first. The company has released serials of production of high quality, low price and humanization. the company receives many kinds of OEM order, cooperating with other companies and being committed to make the future of Chinas national enterprise. With Lehuada Technology (Shenzhen) corporation employment efforts, the company will improve its competitive, expend the production area. According with experience in industry, innovation and active spirit, we will come true our dream in the industry. The company operation goals is working at growth and innovation, giving the best production to customer. Lehuada Technology (Shenzhen) company is willing to cooperate with other companies from native or abroad to create good industry future. |