类型:TV网络播放盒 | 支持分辨率:1024*768 | 支持操作系统:Andriod |
型号:MINI PC | 品牌:科德鑫 | 视频输入:AV,无线传输 |
视频输出:USB,HDMI |
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1. 硬件升级
a. 全面采用DDRIII代1GB内存,淘汰512MB机型,我们的机型全面采用现代,美光原装进口内存,绝不采用台湾和内地黑片厂制作的劣质内存;
b. 增加日本进口内芯MIC,可以在离机器1~2m的距离内可清晰采录语音信息,全面兼容Skype,QQ,微信,米聊等语音聊天工具,这是目前市面上唯一一款支持语音输入Andriod MiniPC,弥补了第一代产品最大的缺陷;
c. 优化电源部分设计,降低机器功耗,使机器运行更加稳定;
d. 优化wifi部分的设计,进一步增强无线传输的速度和稳定性;
2. 软件升级
a. 正式升级Andriod4.0.4内核,增加了对泰语,荷兰语等小语种的支持;
b. 进一步优化机器跟平板电视和显示器的兼容,固化横屏;
c. 增加了对USB摄像头支持;
d. 在显示部分,增加了分辨率调整,白平衡等调节;
e. 增加了对录音功能;
f. 修改了一系列bug;
3. 外观升级
a. 将左上角以前的Led透光孔修改成声音录入的Mic孔;
b. 将LED调整到前方半透明的灯罩处;
c. 增加了对外壳多钟色彩的支持,在以前黑白的基础上增加了粉橙黄绿蓝;
Google TV Player
AK802是我们最新研发的全球体积最小的GoogleTV Player,
AK802 is our latest researched ,which the volum is the smallest volume Google TV player in the world ,
(长*宽*高8.8CM*3.5CM*1.2CM)它采用当今移动互联设备上最先进ARM Cortex-A8 1.5 GHz核心处理器,
(length*width*hight), it use current the most advanced ARM cortex-A8 core processor in the mobile internet equipment.
内置3D图形处理器,搭配512M DDR3大容量内存,性能极其强悍,媲美台式机的高速
With 3D graphical processor ,collacate 512M DDR3 high-capacity Memory ,
With intrepid performance, Comparable to desktop computer and with high
speed operational capability ,
Will show you fluent HD video and game experience !at the same time ,it use
Google’s the latest
的 Android 4.0操作系统,不但在系统稳定性,可以随意安装使用Google Market数
Android 4.0 operation system ,not only for the system stability ,but also you can installation freely and use Google market ‘s
Millions of applications programs ,games ,certainly ,if installation efficient 2.4G slim wireless mouse or keyboard ,you may
以上网冲浪,浏览八卦新闻, 办公,聊天,微博,微信……瞬间将你的客厅升级到数
Surf the internet, read variety of news ,working, chat ,Mico-blog ,
Micro message...... immediately upgrade your hall to front the digital
You need not go around to choice among the computer,TV ,screen of the mobile phone , easily sit in the sofa ,all are in the front of your eyes .
- 采用全志A10/ 1.5GHz Cortex-A8高速处理器
(use QUAN ZHI A10/1.5GHZ Cortex-AB high speed processor )
Core frequency reach 1.5GMHZ ,Coretex-A10 is the most advanced core use at mobile digital Platform until now,
The comprehensive processing ability , hard ware performance close to desktop computer .for you play HD video ,share micro-blog ,share game amusement and
Website read to give you the delight fully digital experience .
- 内置3D图形处理器
(with 3D Graphical processor)
Embedded high performance 3D processing core hard ware ,provide super 30FPS
Against sawtooth 3D processing ability ,support varity research company
Company’s 3D game huge works , coordination TV large screen ,
Also it can be support the current popular “angry birds” in the world.city traffic Jam” .
(Botany war corpse (andriod version), the quality coaster with 13 speed
Game etc. realization unprecedented hand play game experience .
- 采用1GB) DDR3大容量内存
Use 512M (slect 1GB) DDR3 high capacity memory.
率先采用大容量512M DDR3内存,多线程运行程序更轻松,轻松分流处理,下载、在线观看,
(lead to use high capacity 512M DDR3 memory ,with more processe procedure
More relax ,relaxed to processing,download ,and watch on line )
(chat ……all will not be delay)
- 内置Wifi802.11b/g/n无线网卡,摆脱客厅有线的牵绊
(with WIFI 802.1b/g/n Wireless NIC ,to get rid of the wire bond )
(support advanced 802.1b/g/n high speed WIFI wireless network, hig speed surf the internet )
- 支持全新HTML5、Flash10.3等网络标准
(Support the latest HTML5 ,Flash10.3 ,etc, network standard)
With support to browser kernel ,leader of realization the compatible
to the full latest internet standard ,no need to installation Flash ,
No need to wait , no need to downlpoad ,you may watch Youku on-line ,QIYi, QQLive,
Youtube etc video website’s wonderful contents)
At the same time ,you also could sent to micro-blog which you likes ,share joy with
Your friend .
- 支持Full HD 1080P/2160P全格式视屏解码/高清播放
(Support Full HD 1080P/2160P full format video decoding/HD TV player )
AK802提供一个USB2.0 HOST高速数据接口,以及T-Flash卡槽,你可以直接将移
AK802 provide a USB2.0 HOST high speed data interface ,and T-Flash card slot ,
You may direct connect with
hard disk , U disk , T card ,we have the stronggest
Video decoding chip ,full provide 1080p/2160p
HD VIDEO play ability ,in the field of H.264 video decode and VC-1 ,MPEC-4 etc HD video ,We stand at the peak of the decode ability ,
Full format video file unnessary copy and you can see immediately ,DVD ,video playerwill thoroughly (complete fareware hall ,sign out the history……)
- 海量的应用/游戏,开放安装使用
The mass application /games ,openning to install
Google Market目前提供数以百万计的APK程序下载安装,在Google开放的精神引导下,
Google market provide millions of ARK programs download and install at present,
According to Google’s openning spirit guide ,
Most of theses application are free to use .rely on excellent Cortex-AB processor And latest andriod .
4.0 intelligence system ,to enrich the applicationa compatible and support ,Cover internet games ,social contact soft ware ,large 3D games ,
living guide and music, education ,working and varity software ,they are total
difference the past you saw or use application program .
What you do on the desktop computer,here will let you realization
- 充分的扩展,让你如虎添翼
Full extension ,let you be like a tiger with wings added.
你可以外接U盘,硬盘盒,Micro T-Flash,2.4G无线鼠标或键盘,空中鼠标,游戏手柄,
You may connect U disk ,harddisk box, Mico T-flash, 2.4G wireless mouse or keyboard,
The air keyboard ,game handle.
(coordination TV’s huge screen ,your amusement enjoy will transcend any past
Digital product)
- Google TV Player Specifications
OS | Android 4.0 |
Main Chip | 全志A10/ 1.5GHz Cortex-A8 |
Memory | 1GB DDR3(Option) |
Storage | 4-32GB Nand Flash(Option) |
图形加速器 | 2D/ 3D/ OpenGL ES2.0(AMD Z430)/ OpenVG1.1(AMD Z160)@27M Tri/sec |
Network | Wireless 802.11b/g, WAPI(Ralink8188) |
Expand Memory | Micro TF 2-32GB |
IO/Ports | Micro 5pin USB/ USB2.0 data transfer/ OTG and host expand |
键盘 | 支持虚拟键盘,2.4G无线键盘,IR |
Video | WMV/ASF/MP4/3GP/3G2M4V/AVI/MJPEG/RV10/DivX/VC-1/MPEG-2/ |
Andriod APP | Youku,Tudou,QQ,Youtube,Twitter,AngryBird,Office,Gmail,Browser,Skype………… |
HDMI | 1080P&2160P |
Power Input | 5V2A |