是否提供加工定制:是 | 类型:播种机 | 适用对象:玉米,豆类,高粱,杂粮,谷物 |
产品类型:全新 | 品牌:巨威 | 型号:2BX—4 |
行数:4 | 行距:125----175(mm) | 播深:30—50(mm) |
生产率:1.5(公顷/小时) | 生产厂家:巨威 | 适用领域:农业 |
型号Model | 2BX-4 |
外型尺寸(mm)Overall dimension | 2320X1650X1100 |
工作幅度(mm)Working width | 500—700 四垄 (4 rows) |
配套动力(hp)Matched power | 35-80 |
排种器形式 Type of seeding mechanism | 可调槽轮式 Adjust grooved sheave |
排肥器形式 Tpe of fertilizer feedy | 尼龙大外槽轮(施肥量可调) Nylon big external grooved sheave |
施肥深度(mm)Depth of fertilize | 种下30-70/与种子同深(口肥) 30-70 below the seed |
施肥开沟器 Opening share of fertilize | 铲式开沟器 Shovel type opening share |
施肥量(kg/ha) Rate of fertilizer application | 90-415 |
播种开沟器 Opening share of seed | 铧式开沟器 Furrow type opening share |
播种深度(mm) Depth of seed | 压实后地表下30-50(深浅可调) 30-50 under the ground surface (adjustable) |
覆土器形式Type of furrow cover | 圆盘覆土器Disc furrow cover |
挂接方式Linkage | 三点后悬挂Three-point rear suspension |
传动方式Kind of drive | 地轮传动land wheel |
适应速度(km/h)Suit speed | 5-7 |
适应作物Suit crop | 玉米;大豆Corn;soy bean |
销售焦超:13011763525 邮箱juweiworkboy@163.com
网址:www.sdjwjx.com ID:juweijiaochao@hotmail.com