加工定制: | 是 |
产品类型: | 全新 |
适用对象: | 麦类,牧草 |
品牌: | 大地 |
外型尺寸: | 300 |
重量: | 300 |
额定功率: | 2000 |
工作气压: | 500 |
产量: | 600 |
类型: | 搂草机 |
型号: | 9L-2.1型横向 |
用途: | 场上作业 |
Transverse-direction hayrakes can gather the hay up in ranks,they may collect stems of corns in ranks.The structure of the hayrakes is simple,they can save physical labour, the efficacy is higher. They are fit to gather up the herbage of natural grazing grounds