加工定制: | 否 |
电压: | 5 |
电流: | 200 |
采集分辨率: | 500 |
品牌: | Secsuntec |
支持采集技术: | 半导体面状采集 |
型号: | Scanq |
图像采集时间: | 0.3 |
指纹处理时间: | 0.3 |
比对方法: | 1:N,1:1 |
工作模式: | 光学式 |
应用领域: | 警用指纹采集仪 |
输出方式: | USB2.0输出 |
采集方式: | 平面采集仪 |

光学指纹采集仪在上位机参与下,具有指纹录入,图象处理,模板生成和指纹比对等功能。具有完全自主知识产权。可广泛应用在金融、交通、医院、税务、教育等领域,实现软件业务系统、Windows登录的指纹识别身份认证功能。从而替代传统用户名+密码、IC卡等形式,真正做到认证到人,加强了对信息安全隐患的根源“人”的监控。 我公司为二次开发商、系统集成商提供完善的指纹算法开发包,提供全方位技术支持。 指纹识别仪广泛用于电子政务,金融行业,远程登录等领域,类似银行的柜员管理,医保。社保系统,以及与卡结合的应用系统。 可无缝嵌入在CRM、ERP、OA办公系统,电子政务、数字签名、财务管理软件、行业应用管理系统中,作为指纹身份登录使用。 联机后可做PC终端指纹考勤管理,可作为考生考试指纹验证系统 。
1、 产品特性
具备windows系统登录功能 ;
2、 技术参数
传感器: 光学指纹传感器
指纹识别算法: 全球领先的指纹识别算法(自主知识产权)
指纹仪采集面积: 17mm×21.5mm
图象分辨率: 500DPI
比对方式: 指纹比对1:1、1:N
指纹图象录入时间: ≤0.5S
指纹比对时间: ≤0.01S
拒真率: ≤0.01℅
认假率: ≤0.0001℅
允许旋转角度: 360度
供电电压: 5V±5%
通讯接口: USB2.0
电源: USB接口取电
工作温度: -15℃—+45℃
工作湿度: 45%RH—85%RH(无凝露)
产品尺寸: 100mm×66mm×51mm
系统要求: Windows98或以上,推荐DirectX Windows2000/XP,Direct20M硬盘,64M以上内存
Fingerprint reader (fingerprint scanner) with complete self-independence intellectual property. It can conduct fingerprint enrollment, image processing, fingerprint matching, and templates storage with MCU.Its fingerprint collection speed is fast, image quality is high and stable. At the same time, We can provide fingerprint algorithm SDK and technology support service for second developers and system integrators.
Online fingerprint time and attendance system
Wide application in the field of E-government, finance industry, telnet etc, similar to bank employee management,
medical insurance, security insurance system and application system combined with card.
Can provide second developments to wrap, the integration is in other softwares (the SDK that develop to use).
• Biometrics identification, real security.
• Compact, lightweight and portable
• High-performance, maintenance-free optical fingerprint sensor
• Resistance to scratches, impact, vibration and electrostatic shock
• Fast and accurate verification
• SDK with examples of Multi-language for development, such as: VB, VB.NET, DELPHI,VC, C#.NET. html(asp).
• China only one fingerprint reader which complies with ISO fingerprint template standardand WSQ format.
Resolution: 500DPI
Fingerprint image enrollment time: <0.5s
Fingerprint match time: <0.01s
Security level: 5, adjustable
FAR: <0.0001%
FRR: <0.1%
Sensor: Optical fingerprint sensor
Window area: 16* 19mm
Allowable rotation: ±180°
Power supply: 5V
Communication interface: USB2.0
Working temperature: -15 ℃ ~ 40 ℃
Working humidity: 45%RH~85%RH (no dew)
Dimension: 10*6.5* 5.2cm