胶州市盛乐福制帽厂位于全国著名的制帽产业基地--胶州李哥庄镇,是一家集设计、生产与销售于一体的区域品牌企业,公司主要生产棒球帽、网帽、尺寸帽、鸭舌帽等,产品远销欧美、日韩等国家和地区,与国内外众多客户达成了长久和稳定的合作关系。“质量第一,客户至上,”盛乐福制帽诚挚欢迎国内外客户前来洽谈合作!牵手盛乐福,铸就新辉煌!Jiaozhou Shengyue Fu hat factory located in the famous hat industry base - Lee Cape Town, Jiaozhou, is a set design, production and sales of regional brands, the company mainly produces baseball caps, mesh cap, size cap, cap and other products are exported to Europe and the United States, Japan, Korea and other countries and regions, with many customers home and abroad reached a long-term and stable cooperative relations. "Quality first, customer first," Sheng Yuefu cap sincerely welcome customers to negotiate and cooperate! Hand Shengyue Fu, and create new brilliance!... [