□采用新型熔体“T”型熔丝熔化速率为10-13,此产品适用于 RW6-66KV、RW5-35KV跌落式熔断器上。 □The new type fuse "T"type,and its melting rate is 10-13, it applies to RW6-66KV,RW5-35KV on drop-off typefuse.
□ BRI、BR2、BRW、BRN、BRW2、BR、BR8W、RNG、BR2W、R W型熔断器供10KV及以下的电力系统中以星形连接的电容器组 合单台电容器的内部故障保护之用。能可靠、迅速地断开故障 电容器.、从而避免因电容器内部由元件击穿而可能引起的爆炸 事故,使电网继续安全运行。 □The special fuse for high voltage capacitor:BRI,BR2, BRW,BRN,BRW2,BR,RN,RNYI,RNG and RW type fuse is used as inte rnal faul protection for single capacitor of star connection capacitor combination in 10KVand less power system,the product and disconnect the fault capacitor reliabey and quickly so as to avoi dexplosion accident as result of component break down inside the capacitor to ensure that the power net operates continuously and safely.