类型:真空压力表 | 型号:GP 370 | 精度等级:标准 |
品牌:GRANVILLE-PHILLIPS | 环境温度:标准(℃) | 加工定制:是 |
公称直径:标准(mm) | 测量范围:标准(MPa) |
GP 370 Stabil-Ion® Gauges
Granville-Phillip 真空计是目前全球行业内品质最高, 精度最高,寿命最长,最稳定可靠的真空计,很多国家级计量院都将此作为校准的标准. GP 真空计广泛应用于各个领域, 我们可以提供模块组合式或者规与表头分离式方案.
GP系列真空计、压力表:Stabil-Ion、 Convectron、Micro-Ion 、Bayard-Alpert 、307 Series 、275 Mini-Convectron Modules 、347 Stabil-Ion Modules 、354 Micro-Ion Modules 、356 Micro-Ion Plus Modules 、385 Convectron ATM Modules 、390 Micro-Ion ATM Modules 、392 Micro-Ion Plus Modules
Granville-Phillips® heat-loss sensors from Brooks, including thermocouples and the industry-standard Convectron gauge, provide exceptionally reliable performance at low vacuum. If your process requires accurate atmospheric measurement, Brooks also has combination gauges to meet your needs.
Granville-Phillips Stabil-Ion gauges feature an all metal gauge tube that eliminates glass breakage, glass decomposition, or helium permeation. A complete electrostatic shield and grounded metal gauge tube housing provide a stable electrical environment and shield against external electrical influences. The Stabil-Ion’s precision-wound, stress-relieved grid retains shape even after high temperature degassing and burnout resistant tensioned filaments remain in position over time to enable long-term repeatability.
Key Features
· All metal gauge
· Complete electrostatic shield
· Burnout resistant, tensioned filaments
· Precision-wound, stress-relieved grid