●售前服务: ●Service before sales: ★免费CAD(电脑辅助设计)及三维动态模拟展示你的未来办公家居环境。 ★To show your future office eveironment through 3D dynamic simulation with freechange of CAD. ★未来办公环境的咨询和建议。 ★To offer information and advise on your future office image. ★安排客户参观实习高档家具的高科技生产及现代化的管理企业。 ★To arrange customers to visit the high-tech production of hige-grade future and the operation under modern management. ●售中服务: ●Service in sales: ★正确提供产品的最佳使用方法及保养。 ★To provide the best and correct way in useing and maintaing. ★专业队伍的专业安装,一最快的速度来完成办公室的摆置。 ★To arrange your office in speedy with professional contingent. ★让你放心的安装现场的整理、清洁。 ★To tidy and clean the assemble site. ●售后服务: ●After service: ★我们所出售的产品均享有三年免费保用及终身保养服务。包括:重组、搬运、翻新防污处理等。