型号:2-2404-0010 |
规格:25MM |
类型:气动锤 |
品牌:CS Unitec |
空载转速:0-3000(r/min) |
适用范围:气动钻、气动冲击钻、水下气动钻、水下冲击钻 |

德国CS Unitec气动冲击钻 2 2404 0010 型号:2 2404 0010 旋转冲击气锤
用途说明:主要适用于对混凝土地板、墙壁、砖块,石料,木板和多层材料上进行冲击打孔;另外还可以在木材、金属、陶瓷和塑料上进行钻孔和攻牙而配备有电子调速装备作顺/ 逆转等功能。 一、 使用与保养: 1、正确的使用方法:(1)操作前必须查看电源是否与电动工具上的常规额定220VA电压相符,以免错接到380VA的电源上。(2)使用冲击钻前请仔细检查机体绝缘防护、辅助手柄及深度尺调节等情况,机器有无螺丝松动现象。(3)冲击钻必须按材料要求装入φ6-25MM之间允许范围的合金钢冲击钻头或打孔通用钻头。严禁使用超越范围的钻头。 (4)冲击钻导线要保护好,严禁满地乱拖防止轧坏、割破,更不准把电线拖到油水中,防止油水腐蚀电线。(5)使用冲击钻的电源插座必须配备漏电开关装置,并检查电源线有无破损现象,使用当中发现冲击钻漏电、震动异常、高热或者有异声时,应立即停止工作,找电工及时检查修理。(6)冲击钻更换钻头时,应用专用板手及钻头锁紧钥匙,杜绝使用非专用工具敲打冲击钻。(7)使用冲击钻时切记不可用力过猛或出现歪斜操作,事前务必装紧合适钻头并调节好冲击钻深度尺,垂直、平衡操作时要徐徐均匀的用力,不可强行使用超大钻头。(8)熟练掌握和操作顺逆转向控制机构、松紧螺丝及打孔攻牙等功能。 二、维护与保养:(1)由专业电工定期更换冲击钻的换碳刷及检查弹簧压力。(2)保障冲击钻机身整体是否完好及清洁及污垢的清除,保证冲击钻动转顺畅。(3)由专业人员定期检查手电钻各部件是否损坏,对损伤严重而不能再用的应及时更换。(4)及时增补因作业中机身上丢失的机体螺钉紧固件。(5)定期检查传动部分的轴承、齿轮及冷却风叶是否灵活完好,适时对转动部位加注润滑油,以延长手电钻的使用寿命。(6)使用完毕后要及时将手电钻归还工具库妥善保管。杜绝在个人工具柜存放过夜。 三、安全操作规程:(1)工作时务必要全神贯注,不但要保持头脑清醒,更要理性的操作电动工具疲惫、严禁酒后或服用兴奋剂、药物之后操作机器。(2)冲击外壳必须有接地线或接中性线保护。(3)电钻导线要完好,严禁乱拖,防止轧坏、割破。严禁把电线拖置油水中,防止油水腐蚀电线。(4)检查其绝缘是否完好,开关是否灵敏可靠。(5)装夹钻头用力适当,使用前应空转几分钟、待转动正常后方可使用。(6)钻孔时应使钻头缓慢接触工件,不得用力过猛,折断钻头,烧坏电机。(7)注意工作时的站立姿势,不可掉以轻心,操作茧自缚机器时要确保立足稳固,并要随(8)时保持平衡。(9)在干燥处使用电钻,严禁带手套,防止钻头绞住发生意外。在潮湿的地方使用电钻时,必须站在橡皮垫或干燥的木板上,以防触电。(10)使用中如发现电钻漏电,震动,高温过过热时,应立即停机待冷却后再使用。(11)电钻未完全停止转动时,不能卸、换钻头, 出现异常时其他任何人不得自行拆卸,装配,应交专人及时修理。(12)停电、休息或离开工作地时,应立即切断电源。(13)如用力压电钻时,必须使电钻垂直,而且固定端要牢固可靠。(14)中途更换新钻头,沿原孔洞进行钻孔时,不要突然用力,防止折断钻头发生意外。(15)使用冲击钻如在潮湿地方工作时,必须站在绝缘垫或干燥的木板上进行。登高或在防爆等危险区域内使用必须做好安全防护措施。(16)穿好合适的工作服,不可穿过于宽松的工作服,更不要戴首饰或留长发,严禁戴手套及袖口不扣操作电动工具。(17)不许随便乱放。工作完毕时,应将电钻及绝缘用品一并放到指定地方。

Hammering under load 3,000 blows per minute | Air Rotary Hammer Drills — SDS Plus 1" Bit Capacity For Drilling Concrete and Masonry Model No. 2 2404 0010 - Air Rotary Hammer Drill Model No. 2 2404 0030 - Underwater Air Hammer Drill - Uses SDS - plus Shank Drill Bits
- Holes up to 1" Diameter with Solid Carbide Tipped Bits; up to 3" Diameter with Carbide Core Bits
Fast impact drilling of anchor holes and thru holes for concrete and masonry. Safer than electric in hazardous atmospheres and wet environments. Designed for use in refineries, chemical plants, utilities, construction and heavy industry. A special water flushing attachment is included for suppression of sparks and dust. Uses standard SDS - Plus carbide tipped drill bits; up to 1" solid bits in concrete and 3" core bits in brick and block. Easily converts to straight drilling for steel and wood. |
FEATURES: - Holes cost less with SDS Bits.
- Pneumatically powered to eliminate electric motor sparking.
- Water hook-up at depth gauge to help protect against bit sparking.
- Safety clutch protects against overloading and jamming.
- Maintenance-free gearhead (permanent lubrication and sealed gears).
- Built-in oiler for air motor.
ACCESSORIES - Carbide-tipped solid drill bits for concrete, brick and masonry from 3/16" to 1".
- Carbide core bits from 1-1/4 to 3".
- Optional 1/2" Chuck with SDS adapter P/N 2 2404 8999 for straight rotary drilling of steel and wood.
| | Model Numbers •Rotary Hammer Drill •Underwater Hammer Drill | 2 2404 0010 2 2404 0030
| Drill Speed | 0-625 RPM | Hammering Under Load | 0-3000 BPM | Solid Bit Capacity (Concrete) | 1" Dia. | Core Bit Capacity (Concrete) | 3" Dia. | Twist Drill (Steel) | 1/2" Dia. | Power @ 90 PSI | 0.7 HP | Air Consumption @ 90 PSI | 21 CFM | Tool System | SDS Plus | Air Connection | 1/2" I.D. | Dimensions | 16 x 8-1/2 x 4 inches | Weight | 11 LBS |
Three Operating Modes: | 
| Hammer with Rotation Ideal for Drilling Concrete |
| | 
| Rotation Only Ideal for Drilling Wood and Steel |
| Air Rotary Hammer Drills — SDS Max 2" Bit Capacity for Drilling Concrete and MasonryModel No. 2 2417 0010- Air Rotary Hammer Drill - Easy-to-use two-way mode selection lever
- Uses SDS - Max Shank Drill Bits
- Holes up to 2" Diameter with Solid Carbide Tipped Bits; up to 6" Diameter with Carbide Core Bits
- Hammering mode for demolition
This Rotary Hammer Drill is used for drilling concrete, chiseling, crushing, grooving, edging, cutting, stripping, compacting, tamping and roughing concrete surfaces. Applications include installation of concrete anchors, piping and mechanical openings, as well as other construction and demolition work. The SDS-Max Rotary Hammer Drill is designed for the following uses: | Use | Required insert tools | Working range | Drilling in concrete, masonry and natural stone | Drill bit with SDS Max shank • Carbide-tipped drill bits • Percussion core bits | Drilling range in concrete • 1/2" to 2" dia. • 1-3/4" to 6" dia. | Drilling in wood and metal | • Chuck holder • Keyless chuck • Wood drill bits and metal drill bits with smooth or hex shank | • Wood drill bits - 3/8" to 1-1/4" dia. • Metal drill bits - 3/8" to 3/4" dia. |

CLICK HERE FOR SDS MAX DRILL BITS Mechanical torque-limiting clutch Low vibration, no-load hammering absorption Quick-change chuck, SDS Max insert tool system Drilling and chiseling modes 24-way chisel position adjustment Gearing and hammering mechanism with oil lubrication Pivotable side handle
Depth gauge attachment (optional) | | Model Numbers •Rotary Hammer Drill | 2 2417 0010
| Blows per minute | 2500 | Speed | 250 RPM | Air Consumption @ 90 PSI | 53 CFM | Tool System | SDS Max | Weight | 26 LBS | Dimensions (LxHxW) | 19.5" x 9.8" x 4.5" | Minimum Distance between wall and hole drilling | 1.5" | Model 2 2417 0010 Schematics (PDF) |
本公司是香港嘉信行在大陆的子公司,独家专业代理批发零售德国CS Unitec 2-2404-0010与2 2417 0010气动锤与配件及附件!欢迎来电来函洽谈订货!