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产 品: >铣刨机刀头【推荐】 
型 号: 型号齐全 
品 牌: 华夏天宇 
单 价: 16.00元/个 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-08-30  有效期至:长期有效
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品牌: 华夏天宇 型号: 型号齐全
配件适用对象: 铣刨机刀头







Respect customer: First thanks fellow friends, the respect customer, the presence we the universe company, selects and purchases our product.
China Universe Machinery Limited company is a specialized production each kind of mechanical device, the cutting tool cutting tool, the project mechanical fitting, the mining machinery fitting factory
The mill digs machine tool bit road surface Xian to dig machine is one kind uses in removing the road surface material the maintenance machinery, revolves high speed also covers entirely the cutting tool the mill to dig the drum to use coagulation earthen road pavements and so on the up milling way excision asphalt, the road surface material ingredient complex, degree of hardness is high, the cutting tool fierce attrition causes it to become consumes most rapid vulnerable, increased the operating charges strengthens to the cutting tool research as well as the reasonable use has the vital economical significance.
Mainly has the tool bit, the tool apron and the base connection way is: The base direct welding digs on the drum in the mill, tool apron through bolt fastening in base trough, but the tool bit through rises the reed insertion tool bit by the knife point, the hilt, the filling piece and rises the reed to be composed
Because must complete the main cutting task, the knife point material uses the big pellet the carbon-tungsten alloy, and links by the soft cobalt metal it in the same place, degree of hardness achieved above 1400HV, enable it at high temperature, in the high impact situation also to have the good anti-booklet with the wear-resisting knife point assumes the cone-shape, the top diameter is small, guarantees cuts into when the ground the awl to enter the performance, reduces the resistance to cutting; The knife point base diameter is big, provides to the hilt the knife point through the special copper brazing connection on the hilt, the joint strength is high, can withstand the infliction on the knife point, becomes the bending moment with the hilt which 45 degrees directions 6 tons strength produce.
About the hilt the part has the different mechanics performance, the upper half must digs the waste material with the road surface and the mill to have the friction, therefore needs the very high degree of hardness, in lower part's pole insertion tool apron, needs to be able to absorb the mill to dig in the process the impact, therefore toughness is hilt needs to have the dual performance: Wear-resisting also anti- has a tool escape, may use unloads the knife pliers (tool bit which draws out from the tool apron has not to have the tool bit tool escape, uses tool bit rammer to run out it from behind).Some new tool bits, the hilt forehead also cloth has the scoop channel, increased with the ground friction process in, prevents the lopsided wear.
The filling piece is made by the high quality spring steel, the shape similar small dish reed, assumes but actually the use has two: First reduces the tool apron the work revolves if the tool bit installs directly on the tool apron, will inevitably bring the serious attrition to the tool apron, but the tool apron price will be higher than the tool bit far, therefore will have to install a filling piece between this, lets the tool bit will revolve when only with the filling piece have the friction, has protected the tool apron; Next, the cone-shape filling piece and the tool apron cone-shape locating surface home, guaranteed when work the tool bit is at good in the tool apron to the condition, reduces the tool apron hole the attrition.
General manager: Chen vast
commerce handset: 13805550019
office telephones: 0555-6062230
chart article facsimile: 0555-6061117
guest takes the QQ:1204007389
official net address: http://www.ahtyjx.com
mailbox: ahtyjx@126.com
address: Ma'anshan looks the town Zhenxi industry garden area like
to have the non-sign product abundantly, our company may according to the pattern processing.









