余姚市昌裕塑料电器有限公司成立于2006年, 是一家专业从事生产各类插头、电源线的生产厂家。 公司位于美丽富饶的杭州湾南岸, 东离宁波栎社国际机场和宁波港80公里, 西距省会杭州112公里, 南接沪杭甬高速公路, 329国道依厂而过, 交通十分便利。 公司生产的各类插头、电源线, 先后通过了美国UL/CUL, 加拿大CSA, 德国VDE/GS, 英国BS, 意大利IMQ, 澳大利亚SAA及中国CCC等多国权威机构的安全认证, 产品也远销国内外。 凭借着过硬的产品质量及良好的服务意识, 我们的产品受到了世界各地客户的认可和接受。 我们是一个一直追求发展、开拓创新。 新开发的橡胶砧板, 采用100%橡胶制成, 比起传统的砧板, 具有更长的使用寿命, 同时克服了很多传统砧板的弊端, 使我们的产品在长久使用后, 不会渗水、膨胀、开裂或有细微颗粒, 橡胶质地也更加保护刀锋。 有着这诸多优点, 使我们的产品迅速打入美国及一些发达国家的市场。 另一方面, 我们又进入大热的LED行业, 设计生产了多款LED手电筒及LED应急灯等灯具。 同香港爱必喜电器科技有限公司合作, 共同开发生产各类电子取暖器及灭蚊器等产品。 明天充满挑战与危机, 明天也同样充满机遇与希望。 我们愿意扎实走好每一步, 用实力和信誉与广大客户一起共同打造更成功的未来。
Yuyao Changyu Plastic & Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. is located in Ningbo Zhejiang Province China, where has a very convenient transportation.
Company is established in 2006, we are the manufacturer of power cord. Our products have passed UL, VDE, BS, SAA and many other related certifications of different countries around the world, such as USA, Canda, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, Japanese, South Korea, Brazil, Australia and so on.
Our company is not big so far, but we are a company keeps moving forward. The new products--Rubber Cutting Board, using 100% rubber, which has longer lifespan than traditional cutting board, also it is non-porous, splinter or swell, will not crack, protects the knife edge much better.
Also we produce LED lamps, such as LED flashlight, LED emergency light.
In a market full of competion, what we always believe in is with good products and thoughtable service to bring customers what they deserve to own.
Sincerely expect to start business with friends both from home and overseas.