- 联系人:许梨雪
- 电话:86 0769 22314537/18926897795
- 传真:86 0769 22492004
公司简介 台湾久骥企业有限公司是最早由台湾进军大陆拓展热熔胶机之始祖,专业製造多类贴合热熔胶涂佈自动化设备产家。公司创建于1995年11月14日。十多年来经营,拥有一支从事热熔胶喷涂设备,研究开发高素质的专业团队。所生产的热熔胶喷胶、滚胶、涂胶、注胶等自动化设备,广泛用于纸尿裤、卫生巾、等一次性用品。内装饰密封、车灯贴合、空气滤芯器、无网布複合、鞋业、印刷、电子产品组装、纸箱包装、菸盒包装、利乐饮料包装、 商标纸、双面胶带、医疗透气胶带、魔术带、书刊装定等相关行业。本公司汇集了一批科技开发、检测调试优秀人才,作为公司坚固的技术后盾。以满足客户产品设计和製造需求为市场导向,并以优异技术水准与信用,为客户提供最完善服务,坚信并坚持以“质量、信誉、服务”为经营立足之本,除以传统营销模式外,并于互联网建立高效率网络以答谢旧雨新知,从而以最优质量价格比回报客户与社会。 introductionTaiwan JoJi Co. Ltd is the first one hotmelt machinery company expand business from Taiwan to mainland China ,we produce various lamination hotmelt spreading automatic equipment ,the company was established in 14th ,November ,1995 . We have set up a very professional team that good at hotmelt spreading R&D The products are spread hotmelt ,rolling hotmelt,painting hotmelt ,injection hotmelt of automatic equipment that use for diaper ,napkin ,motor interior deco,lamp gluing ,window gluing ,air filter cartridge ,non woven lamination ,shoes ,printing ,electronic assembly , ,packing ,carton packing , cigarette box,drinking box ,trade mark paper,medical breathing tape ,magic tape .......etc.The company base on a group of R&D and testing engineers in order to satisfy with our customer and market need and want , we also supply the best technical support and credit to clients .Quality , credit , service are our principle , the company business is not only running by traditional way but also operating by e-commerce through Internet , hope you can get best quality and price of hotmelt machine from us , let's hold hand by hand , heart by heart .TEL:886-0769-22314537 FAX:886-0769-22492004 13922974343许经理Email :twjoji88@126.com http://www.twjoji.cn |
公司名称: |
东莞市岛还真是南城久骥机电设备经营部 |
公司类型: |
企业单位 () |
所 在 地: |
广东/东莞市 |
公司规模: |
51 - 100 人 |
注册资本: |
未填写 |
注册年份: |
资料认证: |
经营范围: |
销售:喷涂机电设备、贴胶机、上胶机、粘胶剂(不含危险化学品)。 |
主营行业: |