The features of theDYNO®-MILL KD - The optimum configuration for every product with an extremely wide choice of materials for components coming into contact with the product – including hardened and stainless steel, hard chrome plated stainless steel, polyurethane, ceramic
- Maximum operating safety – the basic model already complies with CEandATEX (II 2 G cb IIB T3)
- Adaptation of the grinding chamber volume to the batch size, combined with an ideal cooling process due to the flow in the cooling jacket, allows the handling of temperature-sensitive products
- Easy to use – allDYNO®-MILL KDtypes can be taken apart in just a few steps, allowing simple rapid change-over to a different mill configuration
- Simple operation and easy setting of operating parameters
- The consistent milling design enables scaling-up to any size in theDYNO®-MILLtypeKDseries
9. Low operating and maintenance costs 瑞士技术,经久耐用。 主要特点: 1.理想的通道式高效生产方式,实现微米级颗粒尺寸的集中分布,粒度分布范围窄。 2.最优化的构造对每一种产品都有相匹配的部件。根据客户产品的特性有对应的材料可以提供-包括硬化钢,不锈钢,不锈钢镀硬镉,聚氨酯,陶瓷等。 3.最好的安全操作性能–基本的模式已经可以与ATEX ( II 2 G cb IIB T3)兼容。 4.研磨珠尺寸可选择范围0.3–2.5 mm。 5.研磨腔的容积多种可选择,可匹配各类批次生产的要求,缸套内设计冷却水循环实现理想的冷却效果,可以适应那些对温度比较敏感的产品。 6.容易操作–所有的DYNO®-MILLKD机型只需要少数的几个步骤就可以轻易地更换不同的配置。 7.操作简单,参数设置容易。 8.研磨机一致的设计能够按推算出其它任何容量的DYNO®-MILLKD系列产品对应的生产参数。 9.操作和维护成本低。 |